Digital Media Lab

Digital Media Lab

Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka

Office: MZH 6490
Phone: +49 421 218-64401
Fax: +49 421 218-64409
Mail: dmprotect me ?!tziprotect me ?!.de

Administration: MZH 6500/6510


Rachel Ringe at the HRI'25 conference in Melbourne

Rachel Ringe at the Human Robot Interaction Conference in Melbourne

This week our colleague Rachel Ringe was attending HRI'25 - the 20th edition of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. There she contributed her papers MetaMorph -- A Metamodelling Approach For Robot Morphology and The Wilhelm Tell Dataset of Affordance Demonstrations to…

Walk and talk: Yvonne Rogers with Colleagues of the Digital Media Lab and other Scientists

?Supercharging the Human Mind With AI“: Lecture from Yvonne Rogers

In February, Yvonne Rogers, who is connected to the Digital Media Lab through her position as an Excellence Chair at the University of Bremen, gave a talk with us on human-centered AI titled "Supercharging the Human Mind With AI”.

Her vision about that topic is, that exploring how human-centred AI…

Prof. Rainer Malaka at KI panel discussion in the Universum? Bremen

Rainer Malaka as a panel guest at Universum? Bremen in a discussion about AI

At a panel discussion at the Science Centre Universum? Bremen on the topic of ?KI geht uns alle an! KI und soziales Miteinander: M?glichkeiten, Missverst?ndnisse und Gefahren“, Rainer Malaka discussed topics such as '''What exactly is AI and what role does it play in social media? Can a computer…

Representing locations of remote objects in 3D space via haptics

CHI 2025: Three papers and one SIG accepted

Our colleagues Thomas Mildner and Iddo Wald from the Digital Media Lab will represent us at CHI 2025 with a total of three papers and a Special Interest Group (SIG)

Iddo Wald's paper “Spatial Haptics: A Sensory Substitution Method for Distal Object Detection Using Tactile Cues” deals with the…

The Winner: Duckslayer from "The DuckDudes"

Global Game Jam Bremen 2025

This year's Global Game Jam (GGJ) took place from 24-26 January 2025 at the University of Bremen in the PC lab of Faculty 3 and was organised by employees of our lab.

We had almost 70 participants in this worldwide hackathon. In 13 teams, they each created a game on the topic of ‘Bubble’. The…

New colleague Lisa Hesselbarth

Lisa Hesselbarth has been working as a research assistant in our working group since the end of last year. She studied Digital Media in the Bachelor's and Master's programs at the University of Bremen and worked as a student assistant in our Digital Media Lab during the end of her studies. In that…