Advice and Legal Matters

Information and advisory services on Campus

Familienservicebüro Frontansicht

Family Care Office

The Family Care Office (FSB) for students and university staff is the first point of contact for information and advice on all matters relating to the topic family.

The FSB also functions as a place for exchange and networking among parents. For this purpose, there are, for example, events, such as parent cafés and clothes-swap parties during the semester. 

Family Care Office

Administrative Unit 04: Equal Opportunities/Anti-Discrimination?

The Administrative Unit 04 for Equal Opportunities/Anti-Discrimination manages the audit family-friendly university project on behalf of the Director of Finance and Administration. 

Bettina Schweizer - 



ADE – Advisory and Information Centre against Discrimination & Violence – Expertise and Conflict Counseling

The Advisory and Information Centre against Discrimination & Violence – Expertise and Conflict Counseling will advise you on dealing with conflicts, if you feel discriminated against, or have experienced violence. The consultations are based on your needs and interests and are confidential. 

Advisory and Information Centre against Discrimination & Violence


Administrative Department 06: Central Student Advisory Service

The Central Student Advisory Service provides information and advice to everyone who has questions about studying at the University of Bremen.

Central Student Advisory Service

Administrative Unit 08: Central Administrative Unit/Organizational Development

The Administrative Unit 08 considers itself a service provider and partner for all members of the university. The Family Care Office (FSB) is part of the Central Administrative Unit.

Administrative Unit 08


Teamsitzung der Studierenden des Familienservicebüros mit ihren Kindern

Working-Group Family-Friendly University

The working group family-friendly university (AG familienfreundliches Studium) is a group of active students with children who are committed to the interests of students with family responsibilities. It offers advice, information, parent cafés, and space for exchange. 

Working-Group Family-Friendly University

Academic Advisory Offices

The Academic Advisory Offices are the central point of contact for students with questions regarding study organization and examination regulations. 

Academic Advisory Offices

AStA BAf?G and Social Counseling

This is one of the most important advice centers for students. This is where not only questions about the BAf?G student loan but also about tenancy law or examination matters are dealt with. This free advice is part of the services provided by the AStA student council. 

AStA BAf?G and Social Counseling


The central women’s representative and her deputies represent the concerns and interests of women scientists in research and teaching as well as those of students at the University of Bremen. They advise and support the university management and the central bodies of the University of Bremen in implementing the equal treatment directive anchored in the Bremisches Hochschulgesetz (Higher Education Act of the State of Bremen – BremHG). 

Women?s Representative

Social Counseling of the Student Services Organization

The Social Counseling is there to support all students, prospective students, and graduates in personal, social, and financial matters in relation to student status and student life. 

Social Counseling

Psychological Counseling Centre (PBS)

The PBS is a free-of-charge advice center for all students of the University of Bremen. It provides advice on study-related and personal problems and is subject to the principle of confidentiality. The PBS offers various services and counselling. It is located in the central campus area (Zentralbereich) below the Mensa cafeteria. 

Psychological Counseling Centre (PSB)