Research-based learning

© A. Kolb/ Uni Bremen
Hallmark of Bachelor Biology – Research-based learning
The University of Bremen supports Faculty 2 with a 2-year project aimed at strengthening concepts of research-based learning in the Bachelor Biology program.
Here, research-based learning is taken to mean research-oriented studies in which three aspects especially stand out; namely, students learn how to conduct scientific work, they are integrated in ongoing research, and experience themselves as real researchers conducting their own experiments and projects.
The project aims are
- to appropriate the Bachelor Biology program under the aspect of research-based learning,
- to better integrate existing elements of research-based learning across all modules, and
- to introduce new elements of research-based learning.
Contact persons
PDDr. Annette Kolb
Project Coordination
Dr. Jana Seeger
NW2, Room B 1253
phone (0421) 218-63076
In cooperation with the section Biology didactics belonging to the Institute for Science Didactics.