Information for Instructors

Dear instructors, dear colleagues,
Welcome to Faculty 08!
On this website you can find important information for organizing and conducting teaching at the faculty as well as useful links and information for your day-to-day work.
For further questions feel free to contact the Deanary or Faculty Administration.
You can find general information about teaching at Faculty 08 in our leaflet:
Leaflet for instructors (FB08)
Additionally, new colleagues can find comprehensive information on the internal Staff Portal. Please note that you need your University of Bremen username and password to access the portal. This user Login is also needed to access other IT-Services provided by the University such as E-Mail, Wi-Fi, and Stud.IP. You can request your Login-Information online.
Every course instructor can let students evaluate their courses and/or modules. For this purpose, the faculty has developed a cross-departmental questionnaire. The questionnaire can be activated directly on Stud.IP and students can participate anonymously. Once the evaluation is finished the program automatically generates an overview of the results. The evaluation outcome can be saved as a PDF-file.
Instructors are informed about this possibility at the beginning of each semester and can effortlessly have this function be implemented on Stud.IP.
Please direct your inquiry to the QM-coordination of Faculty 08 (via E-Mail to qmfb8uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de).
For additional information see: Evaluation guide for Faculty 08.
Teaching evaluations are part of the quality management of the faculty.
The University of Bremen offers the nationally acknowledged certification "Hochschuldidaktische Qualifizierung". You can find further information here: /studium/lehre-studium/hochschuldidaktik/zertifikatsprogramm
Furthermore, it is possible for teaching staff to attend workshops and events. You can find the current program on the following website: /studium/lehre-studium/hochschuldidaktik/veranstaltungen
The University’s HR department supports all academic staff by offering professional development training, coaching and process support.
Prof. Dr. Julia Lossau
Dean of Studies
Tel: +49 (0)421 – 218 67002
Room: GW2, B2221

Joint lunchbreak?
Click here for the university canteen schedule

Digital teaching
The e-learning facility of the University (ZMML) offers helpful information on tools for digitally supported teaching
Accessibility in E-Learning and Teaching – BALLON
A support for academic staff in creating more accessible learning environment
The cross-departmental platform for exchange about teaching, organized by the Department for Teaching and Studies (Digital Concepts and Higher Education Didactics) and the ZMML