PhD Aidan Power
member of ZeMKI-Lab: "Film, Medienkunst und Popul?rkultur"
Aidan Power is Research Fellow at the University of Bremen. Previously, he worked at University College Cork, Ireland, where he graduated in 2012 with a PhD in Film Studies (title: "Continental Drifts: Movement, Margins and Transition in the 21st Century European Cinema"). Dr. Power has published in a variety of journals and is one of the founders and co-editors of the magazine for film and screen media Alphaville.
- “Panic on the Streets of London: Tourism and British Dystopian Cinema”, Science Fiction Film and Television. 7.1 (2014), pp. 77-98.
- “Mobilising the East: Some Notes on Robert Guédiguian’s Le voyage en Arménie”, Annali Online Lettere. 8:1 (2013), pp. 176-189.
- Review of Edgerton, Gary R. (ed), Mad Men: Dream Come True TV, in Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. 5 (Summer 2013).
- “Dance me to the end of love: Community and Impending Doom in Michael Haneke’s Das Wei?e Band and John Ford’s west”, Studies in European Cinema. 9: 2-3 (2012), pp. 109-121.
- “Issue 4 Editorial”, Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. “Open Issue”, 4 (Winter 2012).
- “Invasion of the Brit-snatchers: National Identity in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema.” Leggott, James and Tobias Hochsherf (eds). British Science Fiction Film and Television: Critical Essays, London: McFarland, 2011, pp. 143-155.
- “Issue Editors’ Note”, Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. “European Cinema: Transnational, Transcultural, Transmedial”, 1 (Summer 2011), pp. 1-3.
- Review of Loshitzky, Yosefa, Screening Strangers: Migration and Diaspora in Contemporary European Cinema, Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. 1 (Summer 2011).
- “Overheating the Melting Pot: Cultural Compositions in the Cinema of Michael Haneke.” Birmingham Journal for Europe. 1 (2010).
“Community and Contemporary European Science Fiction Cinema”, Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Kunstp?dagogik Invited Seminar, Universit?t Bremen, 23.04.2013.
“Ragnar?k Now: Moving Through the Interstices of LE TEMPS DU LOUP”, Cinema in the Interstices: Alphaville Inaugural Conference, University College Cork, 07.09.2012.
“Clementine Wore a White Ribbon. Collective Memory in Michael Haneke’s DAS WEI?E BAND (and John Ford’s WEST)”, NECS 2012: Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory, New University of Lisbon, 22.06.2012.
“Another Man's Vine. A Microcosmic Look at Travel and Diaspora in French cinema”, Italian Research Seminar Series 2010-2011, University College Cork, 29.10.2010.
"The Last Tourist Office in Dystopia. Surveillance, Sci-fi and the Streamlined Metropolis", Transnational, Transcultural, Transmedial: European Cinema Today, University College Cork, 14.05.2010.
“Fallujah: East London. Terror, Order and the Digital Panopticon”, Irish Postgraduate Film Research Seminar 2010, Trinity College Dublin, 22.04.2010.
“Darkness on the Edge of Town. Borders and Peripheries in Two Contemporary Westerns”, The Graduate School: Annual Conference, University College Cork, 19.11.2009.
“A Weekend Break in the Country … with Zombies. Contrasting Space in 28 DAYS LATER”, NECS 2009: Locating Media, University of Lund, 27.06.2009.
“Echoes from Elsewhere. Diasporic Journeys through Contemporary French Cinema”, Anthropological Association of Ireland Conference, Queens University Belfast, 01.05.2009.
“Overheating the Melting Pot. Cultural Compositions in the Cinema of Michael Haneke”, Graduate Centre for Europe: Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Birmingham, 17.04.2009.
“Strangers in Dystopia. Identity and Nation in Contemporary English Science Fiction Cinema”, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference, University College Cork, 08.11.2008.
“Spatial Relationships. Female Sexuality in the Cinema of David Lean”, David Lean: 100th Anniversary Conference, Queen Mary, University of London, 24.07.2008.