Valentin Schmitt
Research Associate
Haus an der Allee - WiWi1 A2080
Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 (0)421 218 66809
valentin.schmittprotect me ?!innovation.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
? Patent Search
? Semantic patent analysis
? Standard-essential patents
Research Gate
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2021 | Research associate at the Institute of Project Management and Innovation (IPMI), University of Bremen, Germany |
2019 to 2021 | Studies in electrical engineering with management at the University of Bremen, Germany; Degree: M.Sc,; Master thesis: “Development of a process model for computer-based feature analysis of patents - A semi-semantic approach. ” |
2015 to 2019 | Studies in electrical engineering with management at the University of Bremen, Germany; Degree: B.Sc.; Bachelor thesis: “Development of several patent portfolios for emerging speciation technologies using the camera technology as a case study ” |