Latin American History

The working group “Latin American History” is a part of the History Department at the University of Bremen.

The subject of our field, the history of Latin American, can be subdivided into four periods:

  • The period of conquest (“Conquista”) starts with the so-called discovery of America by Columbus in 1492 and ends at around 1570.
  • The colonial period with established Vice-kingdoms and an own administrative apparatus, lasts from the mid 16th century to the mid 18th century.
  • The time of emancipation which in recent research finds its beginnings in the mid 18th century and lasts until the mid 19th century. It is characterized by the fierce battles for Independence whose result are the (national-) states existing today. The final end to this era only comes with the decolonization of Cuba (1898) and the founding of Panama (1903) at the turn to the 20th century however.
  • The period of national states which encompasses the 19th and 20th century, whereby the 20th century is a century of particular extremity – between violence, dictatorship, democratization and coping with the past.

At Bremen University the History of Latin America will be taught from the Conquista until the present. The emphasis in research is currently placed on the 19th and 20th century.


Actual classes

News archive (2010-2021)


Universit?t Bremen, FB 8
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft
Postfach 330 440
28334 Bremen 

Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels
Office: GW2 B2590
E-Mail: dgrprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Claudia Haase 
Büro: GW2 B2620
Telefon: 0421–218 67014
E-Mail: sekrglprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 


Summer semester 2022

We are happy to start into the summer semester 2022 with you.

Green Cinema

The 26th International Bremen Film Conference, which will take place from 18th to 21st May 2022, is dedicated to the relationship between "ecology and cinema".

We wish you …

Merry Christmas and a healthy year 2022; Frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes Jahr 2022; Feliz Navidad y un próspero a?o 2022; Feliz Natal e um ano próspero 2022

?A nossa bandeira jamais será vermelha“ (BRA 2019) in the City46

On Thursday the 18th November 2021 at 6 p.m. there will be a Film-screening in the City46 moderated by Dr. Ricardo Borrmann. Luis Ludmer (Advisory Board Member and Archive's Manager at Instituto Vladimir Herzog) will also be there as a guest.

Workshop "Intellectuals, transatlantic exchanges, archives, and media: history and memory between Latin America and Europe"

From 16th- 18th November 2021 the workshop ?Intellectuals, transatlantic exchanges, archives, and media: history and memory between Latin America and Europe“ will take place at the University of Bremen.

The 31° Simpósio Nacional de História in Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels and Dr. Ricardo Borrmann participated from the 19th-23rd July 2021 on the virtual congress in Rio de Janeiro.

Summer semester 2021

We wish all of you success for the end of the semester and an enjoyable lecture-free time

Classes SoSe 2024

  • 08-28-GS-3 Research Seminar (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Colloquium)

  • 08-28-HIS-5.2 The History of Guerrillas in Latin America. From Early Modern Times to the 2000s (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Vorlesung) 

  • 08-28-HIS-5.2a The History of Guerrillas in Latin America. From Early Modern Times to the 2000s -(Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, ?bung 1)

  • 08-28-HIS-5.2b The History of Guerrillas in Latin America. From Early Modern Times to the 2000s - (Mara Josepha Fritzsche, ?bung 2)

  • 08-28-HIS-5.2c The History of Guerrillas in Latin America. From Early Modern Times to the 2000s - (Dominik Gall, ?bung 3)

  • 08-28-HIS-7.1.1 Los Ochentas. On Colombian History of the 1980s (Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Seminar)