Dominik Gall

Universit?t Bremen, FB 8
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft
Postfach 330 440
28334 Bremen
Office hours: by arrangement
Office: GW2 B 2570
E-Mail: dgallprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Since 04/2024 Research fellow and doctoral candidate at the Department of History at the University Bremen and at the Collaborative Research Centre “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” (CRC 1342)
Focus on modern Latin American History
10/2018 until 03/2022 Master of Arts at Freie Universit?t Berlin
Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies
With focus on Developmental Theories and Strategies, Postcolonial Studies, Politics of history, Colombian armed conflict, Gender Studies
05/2019 until 03/2022 Student Assistant at Institute for Latin American Studies – Freie Universit?t
Supporting the research and teaching of the institute, event organization in the department of History, editing of scientific publications
01/2020 until 03/2020 PROMOS-Scholarship
Field research in Colombia for the Master thesis: “Transnational Entanglements of the historical political Discourse about the Colombian armed Conflict”
10/2013 until 03/2018 Bachelor of Arts at Universit?t Leipzig
History/ Philosophy
With focus on contemporary, Latin American and colonial History, Conflicts and historiography of narratives
Work Experience
04/2023 until 03/2024 Employee at the German Federal Archives
Archival appraisal of documents secured by the Treuhandanstalt pertaining to the foreign trade of the GDR
10/2020 until 06/2022 Freelance Work for the Project ?Colonia Dignidad – A Chilean-German Oral History-Archive“
Translation and editing of interview transcripts from spanish to german
02/2016 until 03/2016 Internship at Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History – Research Department Berlin
Supporting research projects situated in contemporary history on topics such as the history of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, history of german prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, Nazism