Thomas Maier
2002-2010: Studies at the University of Cologne, Germany and the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Diploma in Area studies of Latin America and North American history (comparable to MA degree, incorporating BA). Title of final research thesis: “The relationship between the Expansionist State and social actors in the production of Welfare during Peronism in Argentina (1946-1955)”
2012- ongoing: PhD candidate (part-time) at the Institute of the Americas, UCL. Provisional title of the thesis: The Shape of the State to Come: Transnationality and the Social Imaginary of the Welfare State in Argentina,1930-1942; MPhil obtained in June 2013
Since November 2015: Research and Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Latin American History, University of Bremen.
Social history, history of state formation and welfare, history of migration, history of knowledge production and the social sciences
Dictionary entries and overviews
(with S?nke Bauck) Entangled History, in: Social and Political Key Terms of the Americas, CIAS, Bielefeld 2015.
Country Profile 22: Argentina, in: Focus Migration 2015.
The Transnational and the Production of Social Knowledge: The Museo Social Argentino & the International Labour Organization’, in: Rinke, Stefan/ González de Reufels, Delia (eds.): Expert Knowledge in Latin American History- Local, Transnational and Global Perspectives. Stuttgart: Heinz 2014.
Presentations at conferences (selection)
-The Transnational and the Production of Social Knowledge: The Museo Social Argentino & the International Labour Organization; Workshop Saberes del Estado at IDES, Buenos Aires, October 29, 2013.
-The Argentine ‘Congreso de la población’ in 1940. Demographic crisis and the future of social policies, Workshop: Demography and the Welfare State, University of Cambridge, January 16-18, 2014.
-Rethinking space and borders: the promises of transnational histories of labour reform- Argentina and the ILO in the década infame; Journée D’?tude: Protections versus Sociétés. Amérique Latine XIXe-XXe siècles, EHESS Paris, December 4, 2014.
-Shaping Labour Reform- Welfare in Argentina before Perón and the Transnationality of Social Knowledge Production, European Social Science History Conference, Wien, April 23-26, 2014.
-Labour Policies, Welfare, the state & the transnationl in Latin America- Insights and conceptual inquiries from the region’s experiences in the 1930s; Globalising Latin American history: a discussion of transnational approaches to the history of the region, UCL, March 11, 2015.
-The promises of a Transnational History of Social Security’ Politics of Entanglement in the Americas, 7th International Postgraduate Forum, Bielefeld University, June 25-27, 2015.