Dr. Teresa Huhle
SFB 1342: Globale Dynamiken von Sozialpolitik
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Mary-Sommerville-Str. 7
D-28359 Bremen
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Office: Unicom, 7.1140
Telephone: 0421 / 218-57062
E-Mail: teresa.huhleprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Born on 27th December 1982 in Nürnberg.
2003-2009: Diploma in Area Studies Latin America at the University of Cologne and the Universidad de Oviedo. Subjects: Iberian- and Latin American History, Anglo-American History, Political Science and Spanish.
Diploma Thesis: “This is an American History” – Spanish Civil War Monuments and Politics of Commemoration in the United States
2005-2007: Student Assistant at the History Department, University of Cologne
2007-2009: Tutor and Student Assistant at the Institute for North American History, University of Cologne
Internships in the research project ?Identificación de fosas comunes y otros lugares de enterramiento de personas desaparecidas como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil” at the Universidad de Oviedo, with peace brigades international Germany and in the project “Erinnern für die Menschenrechte” (Remembering for Human Rights) of the K?lner Appell gegen Rassismus e.V.
2009-2015: Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Latin American History, University of Bremen
2011-2015: Member of the Scientific Network ?Population, Knowledge, Order, Transformation: Demography and Politics in the Twentieth Century in Global Perspective“, funded by the DFG.
2015 – 2016: Lecturer at the Department for Iberian and Latin American History at the University of Cologne.
2015 Ph.D. University of Bremen. Title of the thesis: Bev?lkerung, Fertilit?t und Familienplanung in Kolumbien zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges: Eine transnationale Wissensgeschichte (Population, Fertility, and Family Planning in Colombia during the Cold War: A Transnational History of Knowledge)
2016-2018 Research Assistant at the Institute for Latin American History, University of Bremen (Temporary Position for Postdocs, Central Research Development Fund, University of Bremen)
Since 2018 Research Fellow at the CRC 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy”, Project B02 “Emergence, expansion, and transformation of the welfare state in the Cono Sur in exchange with Southern Europe”
Member of the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD), the Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos (AHILA), the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung (ADLAF), the ADLAF working group ?Latin American History in Global Perspectives“, and the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
* Bev?lkerung, Fertilit?t und Familienplanung in Kolumbien. Eine transnationale Wissensgeschichte im Kalten Krieg,Bielefeld: transcript 2017. (http://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-3540-9)
* “Frauen und Geschlechterbeziehungen”, in: Fischer, Thomas; Klengel, Susanne; Pastrana Buelvas, Eduardo (Ed.): Kolumbien Heute, Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert 2017, pp. 243-258.
* with Maria D?rnemann: “Population Problems in Modernization and Development: Positions and Practices”, in: The Population Knowledge Network (Ed.): Twentieth Century Population Thinking. A Critical Reader of Primary Sources, Abingdon/New York: Routledge 2015, pp. 142-171.
* “Contested Survey Data: Interpreting Colombian Women’s Family Ideals in the Early Sixties”, in: Contemporanea,18, 3, 2015, pp. 478-483.
* “Ein Laboratorium der Modernisierung: Public Health, Bev?lkerungsforschung und Familienplanung in Candelaria (Kolumbien)”, in: Etzemüller, Thomas (Ed.): Vom “Volk” zur “Population”. Formen der interventionistischen Bev?lkerungspolitik in der Nachkriegszeit, Münster: Westf?lisches Dampfboot 2015, pp. 79-104.
* “‘Lateinamerika ist ein Paradies für Demografen und ein Albtraum für Planer’ – Bev?lkerungsexpertise im Kalten Krieg”, in: Rinke, Stefan; González de Reufels, Delia (Ed.): Expert Knowledge in Latin American History: Local, Transnational, and Global Perspectives, Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Dieter Heinz 2014, pp. 333-358.
* “‘I see the flag in all of that’. Discussions on Americanism and Internationalism in the Making of the San Francisco Monument to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade”, in: American Communist History, 10, 1, 2011, pp. 1-33.
* with Vanessa H?se: “Bicentenario 2.0. Nationale Grenzen im grenzenlosen Medium”, in: Hispanorama, 129, 2010, pp. 23-27.
* “Sidewalk Views of the Monument”, in: The Volunteer, 25, 4, Dezember 2008, p. 4.
Edited volumes:
* with The Population Knowledge Network (Ed.): Twentieth Century Population Thinking. A Critical Reader of Primary Sources, Abingdon/New York: Routledge 2015.
* with Christoph H?ltke (Ed.): Nicaragua – der Traum von der Freiheit [Lateinamerika im Fokus, Vol. 2], Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin 2011.
* with Georg Ismar (Ed.) “Themenschwerpunkt Bolivien”, in: Hispanorama, 112, May 2006, pp. 9-60.
* S?nke Bauck, Nüchterne Staatsbürger für junge Nationen: die Temperenzbewegung am Rio de la Plata (1876-1933). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2018, in: Iberoamericana, 20, 75, pp. 342-345.
* Albert Manke and Kate?ina B?ezinová (Ed.), Kleinstaaten und sekund?re Akteure im Kalten Krieg: Politische, wirtschaftliche, milit?rische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika. Bielefeld: transcript 2016, in: Journal of Cold War Studies, 22, 3, 2020, pp. 266-268.
* Claudia Roesch: Macho Men and Modern Women. Mexican Immigration, Social Experts and Changing Family Values in the 20th Century United States, Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2015, in: H-Soz-Kult, 05.02.2018, on: http://www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/rezbuecher-26872 (06.02.2018).
* Lukas Rehm: Politische Gewalt in Kolumbien. Die Violencia in Tolima, 1946-1964, Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Dieter-Heinz. Akademischer Verlag 2014, in: sehepunkte 15, 9, 2015, on: http://www.sehepunkte.de/2015/09/25925.html (14.10.2015).
* Grace Livingstone: America’s Backyard. The United States and Latin America from the Monroe Doctrine to the War on Terror, London/New York: Zedbooks 2009. In: Iberoamericana, 25, 4, 2010, pp. 298-299.