Kevin-Niklas Breu
![Kevin-Niklas Breu](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/8/csm_Foto_s_w_Kevin_7d890b9560.jpeg)
10/2014 – 04/2018 Master‘s studies of “History” at the University of Bremen
overall grade: 1,02 (Sehr gut)
Master’s thesis: Of Street Theatre, Prison Riots, and Illegal Border Crossings: ACT UP, Anti-AIDS-Activism, and the Legacy of Gay Liberation in 1980s and 1990s San Francisco
advisor:Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels
co-advisor: Dr. Teresa Huhle
09/2016 – 06/2017 academic year abroad at the University of California at Santa Barbara, graduate studies of “History”
research project on ?Anti-AIDS-activism in 1980s and 1990s California“ in preparation of my Master’s thesis, including archive stays at San Francisco and Santa Barbara, advisor: Prof. Dr. Stephan Miescher (UCSB)
09/2011 – 10/2014 combined Bachelor’s studies of “History” and “Media and Communication
Studies“ at the University of Bremen
overall grade:1.5 (very good)
Bachelor’s thesis: The Politics of Dis-identification: Reinaldo Arenas and the US-American Gay Rights Movement in the 1980’s
advisor: Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels
co-advisor: Dr. Teresa Huhle
08/2001– 06/2010 Aggertal-Gymnasium
overall grade: 1.2 (very good)
Academic Activities
10/2017 – 02/2018 tutor in Latin American history
04/2016 – 07/2016 preparation and implementation oft he exhibition titled ?Achtung
Feindpropaganda! Lew Kopelews Flugbl?tter 1941-1945“ under the tutorship of Prof. Dr. Susanne Schattenberg
10/2013 – 07/2016 tutor in Latin American and Medieval history
07/2013 – 03/2016 research assistant in the Creative Unit ?Homo Debilis“
10/2014 – 03/2015 web-based project on global history and biography in the Premodern Era
under the tutorship of Prof. Dr. Martina Winkler
Work Experience
05/2017 – translation work for the editorial board of the journal Invertito:
Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homsexualit?ten
02/02 – 27/02 2015 journalistic internship at “Radio Bremen”, “Digital News Desk”
25/08 – 17/09 2014 journalistic internship at “K?lner Stadt-Anzeiger”, City Desk of Siegburg
17/02 – 11/04 2014 internship at “Nieders?chsisches Landesarchiv, Standort Oldenburg“ –
Lower Saxon State Archives at Oldenburg
Awards and Grants
06/2019 – Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes: Doctoral Grant
06/ 2018 – 05/2019 University of Bremen: Pre-Doctoral Grand (“Brückenstipendium der
Universit?t Bremen“)
09/2016 – 05/2017 German Academic Exchange Service: Annual Graduate Studies Grant
(?Jahresstipendium für Graduierte aller F?cher“)
06/2017 UCSB History Associates: Monica Orozco Prize, 2017 (best paper in
Latin American history; title: ?Nation, Sexuality, and
Health: AIDS Politics in (Post)Modern Latin America (1980-2000)“)
*No Time for National Solutions. ACT UP/ San Francisco and the Politics of Border-Crossing, in Global Histories: A Student Journal (2018) 4/1, May 2018.
*Making a Difference: Reinaldo Arenas, die Mariel-Flüchtlingskrise und der schwule Aktivismus im Exil, in Invertito: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualit?ten (2017) 19, August 2018.
*Proteste gegen den 'passiven Genozid': ACT UPs Gef?ngnisabolitionskampagnen in Kalifornien 1990-1993, in Invertito: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualit?ten (2018) 20, Spring 2019.
Book Reviews
*Reichert, Martin: Die Kapsel. AIDS in der Bundesrepublik, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2018, in Invertito: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualit?ten (2018) 20, Spring 2019.
Conference Reviews
*Social Policies and the Welfare State in the Global South (19th and 20th Century), 14.09.2017-15.09.2017, Bremen, in: HSozKult, 09th November, 2017, <> (25th April, 2018).
*mit Johanne Bischoff und Lisa, St?dtler: Picturing Power: Photographies in Socialist Societies, 09.12.-12.12.2015, Bremen, in: HSozKult, 19th March, 2016, (25th April, 2018).
Public Presentations
* “‘Acting Up against the AIDS State?’ – The Anti-AIDS Movements, Transnational Grassroots Activism, and the Legacy of Stonewall in 1980s and 1990s France and West Germany”, Stonewall 50 Years On: Gay Liberation and Lesbian Feminism in Its European Context, Manchester Metropolitan University, 6th December, 2019.
* ”Acting Up against the AIDS State?” – The Anti-AIDS Movements, Transnational Grassroots Activism, and the Legacy of Stonewall in 1980s and 1990s West Europe and North America”, Stonewall at 50 And Beyond: Interrogating the Legacy and Memory of the 1969 Riots, Université Paris Est Créteil und Université Paris Dauphine, 3rd – 5th June, 2019.