How to become a member?
In order to become a MAPEX member, a written application can be submitted at any time to the Executive Board (mapexprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de). The application should include a curriculum vitae, a publication list and a cover letter describing the own research and its connection to or extension of the MAPEX research landscape, as well as the motivation for joining the MAPEX network. In principle, all employees of the University of Bremen or of the cooperating external institutes1 can apply for one of the following memberships, provided that they meet the respective eligibility criteria. It is recommended to contact the MAPEX science manager prior to application.
Principal Investigator (PI)
Every scientist with the right to act as a first supervisor for a doctoral thesis or holding a 'Habilitation' at the University of Bremen can become a Principal Investigator in the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes.
Early Career Investigator (ECI)
Early career researchers can apply for a MAPEX membership as ECI if they hold a doctorate degree, have acquired a certain degree of scientific independence and their doctorate degree has been granted no longer than eight years before the submission of the application. The ECI membership will automatically end ten years after the doctoral award.
A reduction of effective elapsed time is possible upon request according to the following eligibility criteria:
- maternity: 18 month for each child born before or after the award of the doctorate
- paternity: documented amount of leave actually taken for each child born before or after the PhD award
- long-term illness, national service, or other reasonable absences from science: well justified and documented period of leave actually taken after the PhD award
Associated Investigator (AI)
Scientists in a leading position can become an Associated Investigator (AI) provided that they do not meet the eligibility critera for PIs or ECIs and hold a doctoral degree. Furthermore, they need to be able to proof their scientific independence, e.g. by autonomous publications, independent acquisition of funding, or decision-making authority in the frame of scientific projects.
Guest membership
Upon suggestion of a MAPEX member, external scientists affiliated to a research institution in the Federal State of Bremen that does not fulfil the conditions for a cooperating institute1 may apply for guest membership without voting and election rights, provided they contribute to the mission and goals of MAPEX. Guest members cannot receive funding from MAPEX and cannot be elected to the executive board.
End of membership
The MAPEX membership automatically ends with the expiry of the contract of employment, which entitles to membership. The membership of professors who are active at the University of Bremen beyond their retirement can be extended upon application.
1 Under “cooperating external institutes” we understand non-university research institutes whose director holds a professorial chair (Fachgebiet) at the University of Bremen.