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Detailed photo of a battery research laboratory.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

The Future of Technology: Career Paths in 3D Printing and Battery Research

In an interview with up2date magazine, students Tim Klotz and Kolja Konschak talk about their experiences in the Process-Oriented Materials Research master’s degree program (ProMat).

Mars landscape with habitat in the background and astronauts working in the front
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Millions in Funding for Space and Port Research

The Bremen Senate approved an EU ERDF grant of 3.7 million euros with which the Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) will build a Mars laboratory. 2.8 million euros will be made available for the optimization of processes in Bremen’s ports.

from left to right: Professor Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, Professor Sabine Kunst, CEO of the Joachim Herz Foundation, and Irene Strebl, State Councilor for the Environment, Climate, and Science.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Up to 30 Million Euros for Technology Transfer

A celebratory contract signing at the University of Bremen made the founding of Germany’s first JHS MaTeNa innovate! Center official. The Joachim Herz Foundation (JHS) will provide 30 million euros for materials science research applications.

Reddish flame-shaped light over a finely dotted plate.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Quantum Materials: New DFG Research Unit with Participation from Bremen

MAPEX member and Physics professor Michael Sentef is a co-spokesperson in the new decentralized DFG Research Unit “Optical Control of Quantum Materials (OPTIMAL).” The research goal is to control the functional properties of novel materials using light.

Two Bremen Thesis Awards for Works from MAPEX Research Groups
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Two Bremen Thesis Awards for Works from MAPEX Research Groups

The unifreunde Bremen Association, together with the University of Bremen and Constructor University, presented the Bremen Thesis Award on November 27. At the event, ProMat graduate Maylin Homfeldt was honored for her master's theses and HMI member Dr. Isabell Grothaus for her dissertation.

Armin Dekorsy in einer Bar.
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Science goes Public: Will 6G be available worldwide from 2030?

What does this mean for our everyday lives? Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy visited the Gastfeld on October 17.

All news

10. March 202510. March 2026

March 2025
Structural complexity in Prussian blue analogues
16:00 18:00
Location: AIB

Titel: Structural complexity in Prussian blue analogues by Prof. Dr. Andrew Goodwin from Inorganic Chemistry Department, University of Oxford  [...]

April 2025
Workshop: Poster Design and Graphical Abstracts
13:00 17:00
Location: MARUM I, room 2070

The MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme supports doctoral candidates in acquiring transversal skills and competencies useful for future [...]

June 2025
Workshop: Effective Teaching in Higher Education
09:00 16:00
Location: aib - 1020/30 (Hochschulring 40)

A workshop that explores different aspects of teaching and learning at a university level, in order to develop one’s teaching skills in a class and in the laboratory, based on the effectiveness of the methods. Also, you will learn the basic lingo for developing a teaching portfolio, and understand different learning processes.

October 2025
Science on Screen: Creating Videos with Your Smartphone
09:00 17:00
Location: AIB 1020/30 (Hochschulring 40)

This workshop is part of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme. We aim to support and train doctoral candidates in acquiring transversal [...]

Updated by: MAPEX