Topic: Sustainable Good Work: integrating work and ecology holistically - strengthening the capacity to innovate (NAGUT)

The joint project NAGUT develops and tests an innovation concept at the interface of work quality and ecology, which focuses on companies and their cooperation in value chains. At the same time, the work ecological innovation concept should make it possible to improve the quality of work as well as climate-friendly and resource-saving design solutions.

Founding source:
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

1st Januar 2016 to 31st July 2019

Joint Coordinator and Project Leader: 
IAW - Universit?t Bremen

Universit?t Bremen: 

  • artec | Research Center Sustainability / Department of Resilient Energy Systems


  • hanseWasser Bremen GmbH
  • Macor Marine Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
  • Stahlbau Nord GmbH

Project description:
How can a good quality of work and ecological innovations be systematically combined to strengthen the innovative capacity of companies? This question is the focus of the joint project NAGUT. At the company level and along value chains, design solutions are to be developed and tested. Guidelines for the introduction and support of such integrated innovations are developed for operational practice. These are spread regionally and nationally via a pilot network.

Climate change and structural change in paid work are two key societal challenges for which sustainable and innovative solutions must be developed. Ecological innovations and innovations to enable and strengthen good quality work, however, are so far hardly connected. There is therefore a great societal need to combine ecological innovations with approaches to promote good quality of work. This opens up untapped innovation potential for the sustainable development of companies and society.

The joint project NAGUT addresses these two challenges. It aims to exemplarily develop and test design approaches with and for companies that systematically combine ecological innovations with the promotion of good quality work. Dialogue and participation procedures are designed to enable employees to be involved in shaping these 'work-ecological' innovations. The skills of managers and employees are strengthened by competence development measures. A regional pilot network will be set up. Through the pilot network, practical support for companies for the introduction and development of innovations at the interface of climate-friendliness or resource conservation and good quality of work will be disseminated. The design approaches will relate to the company level and to the cooperation of companies in value chains. The NAGUT joint project is being developed in close cooperation between the University of Bremen (Institute for Work and Industry and artec | Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit) and the three companies hanseWasser Bremen GmbH (wastewater disposal and cleaning), Macor Marine Solutions GmbH & Co. KG and Stahlbau Nord GmbH ( both shipbuilding). The project will be funded by the BMBF from 2016 to 2019 and will be accompanied by the DLR project promoter both professionally and administratively.


Dr. Torben Stührmann - t.stuehrmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Michael Steinfeldt - msteinprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Additional information: