
Topic: Kopernikus-Projekt Energiewende-Navigationssystem ENavi


The Copernicus project ENavi "Energy Transition Navigation System for Recording, Analysis and Simulation of Systemic Networks" has set itself the goal of linking scientific analyzes with political and societal demands. Developments in the energy transition should be better estimated in advance in order to be able to make the best decisions. The main product will be the energy turnaround navigation instrument with which the effects of political decisions can be simulated and estimated.

Funding source:

  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Projekttr?ger Jülich


  • 2016-2019 (first period)


  • Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) (project coordination)
  • Over 80 partners from science, research, business and civil society

Project Description:

With the energy turnaround Germany has set itself the goal of transforming the current energy system into a largely CO2-free and renewable energy-based system. An economical, environmentally compatible, reliable and socially responsible energy system requires a holistic view at the system level. ENavi sees the energy transition as a process of transformation in society as a whole, linking scientific analyzes with political and societal demands. The project should help to drive the energy transition sustainably and with the greatest possible acceptance. The potential findings on sustainable transformation pathways are of great strategic interest in estimating the market potential of various technologies. In the sense of a holistic view, the status and perspectives of the network expansion, the storage capacities, the demand side and the generation (central and decentralized) as well as the interactions of these dimensions will be considered.


The project ENavi aims to,

  • to gain a deeper understanding of the complex networked energy system in the energy sector and related areas such as industry and consumption,
  • to estimate as precisely as possible what consequences a given measure would have on the energy system in the short, medium and long term, and finally
  • Generate options for effective measures in transdisciplinary discourse.


Contribution of the Department of Resilient Energy Systems:

Our contribution is the development of an evaluation methodology to evaluate measures and interventions (so-called policy packages) in relation to the criterion of resilience. We help ensure that the measures can be designed so that the systems maintain their system performance even under stress and in turbulent conditions. For this we use evolutionary tested principles, concepts and elements for the design of complex systems. The work will be carried out in an interdisciplinary team in work package 11. In this work package, the knowledge from the overall consortium comes together and is evaluated and processed according to the criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, resilience, ethical acceptance, sustainability, legitimacy and legality), translated into indicators, fed back into the other work packages and to all partners. and especially included in the navigation system. The work package 11 thus has a kind of hinge function.


Dipl.-Phys. Pablo Thier

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Additional information:
