


Research on the potentials and risks of extended convergence of power systems with information and communication technologies (ICT).
Focus: Vulnerability and resilience



Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung



September 1st 2015 through August 31st 2017



Institut für ?kologische Wirtschaftsforschung (I?W), Berlin


Project description:

The aim of the project is to examine the opportunities and risks of an increasing coupling of information and communication technology (ICT) and power supply to so-called smart grids in the wake of the energy transition in terms of vulnerability and resilience. The vulnerability or vulnerability describes the susceptibility of the system to disturbances or structural weak points. Resilience, on the other hand, describes the ability of a system to maintain its services under stress and turbulence (security of supply). On this basis, potential future vulnerabilities, resilience criteria and possible framework conditions will be identified that will help minimize vulnerability and maximize power resilience.

 The project pursues a transdisciplinary approach, which requires close collaboration between the partners and a strong involvement of relevant stakeholders. In terms of methodology, a theoretical approach is chosen that includes desktop research, expert interviews and stakeholder workshops. a. Includes vulnerability, impact path and SWOT analyzes. In terms of content, the project is divided into the following four work packages, with one partner taking the lead:

  • Identification of relevant ICT options and initial resilience criteria for the electricity system
  • Determination and analysis of possible disruptive events and concretization of resilience criteria
  • Identify options to minimize vulnerability and maximize resilience
  • Identification of options for designing the framework conditions for a resilient energy system



MSc. Mariela Tapia


Current information about the project can be found at