Dr. Christian Schnülle

Office: SFG 2220
Tel.: +49 421 218 64892

Former Researcher at the department of Resilient Energy Systems, Faculty 04, as well as at the Advanced Energy Systems Institute and at the artec Sustainability Research Center, University of Bremen

Since 11/2017: Researcher at the department of Resilient Energy Systems, Faculty 04, as well as at the Advanced Energy Systems Institute and at the artec research center for sustainability, University of Bremen

04/2017-07/2017: Volunteer work in construction and redevelopment projects in Suva, Fiji

04/2015 – 03/2017: Researcher at the department of Technikgestaltung & Technologieentwicklung, Faculty 04, University of Bremen

Study Programs:
Master of Science in Engineering Physics at the University of Oldenburg
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences at the University of Oldenburg
Exchange semester at the Hawaii Pacific University


Socio-technical systems

Electricity-based synthetic fuels (Power-to-X)

Sector coupling

Innovation systems


Socio-techno-economic analyses

Kenkel, P., Schnuelle, C., Wassermann, T., & Zondervan, E. (2022). Integrating multi-objective superstructure optimization and multi-criteria assessment: a novel methodology for sustainable process design. Physical Sciences Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1515/psr-2020-0058

Schnuelle, C., Wassermann, T., & Stuehrmann, T. (2022). Mind the Gap—A Socio-Economic Analysis on Price Developments of Green Hydrogen, Synthetic Fuels, and Conventional Energy Carriers in Germany. Energies, 15(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/en15103541

Schnuelle, C., Wassermann, T., Kalis, M., & Sch?fer, J. (2021). Ausgew?hlte Standortfaktoren für Power-to-Fuel Anlagen: Erd?lraffinerie versus grüne Wiese. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 7–8(71), 24–28.

Holtz, G., Schnülle, C., Yadack, M., Friege, J., Jensen, T., Thier, P., Viebahn, P., & Chappin, ?. J. L. (2020). Using Agent-Based Models to Generate Transformation Knowledge for the German Energiewende—Potentials and Challenges Derived from Four Case Studies. Energies, 13(22), 6133. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13226133

Christian Schnuelle, Timo Wassermann, David Fuhrlaender, Edwin Zondervan (2020): Dynamic hydrogen production from PV & wind direct electricity supply – Modeling and techno-economic assessment, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.08.044

Christian Schnuelle, Kasper Kisjes, Torben Stuehrmann, Pablo Thier, Igor Nikolic, Arnim von Gleich, Stefan Goessling-Reisemann (2020): From Niche to Market—An Agent-Based Modeling Approach for the Economic Uptake of Electro-Fuels (Power-to-Fuel) in the German Energy System. Energies 2020, 13, 5522. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/en13205522 

Christian Schnülle, Philipp Kenkel, Timo Wassermann (2020): Multikriterielle Bewertung von Elektrolyse- und Co2-Capture Technologien für eine Power-to-Methanol Prozesskette. Artec Paper Nr. 223, ISSN 1613-4907

Timo Wassermann, Christian Schnuelle, Philipp Kenkel, Edwin Zondervan (2020): Power-to-Methanol at Refineries as a Precursor to Green Jet Fuel Production: a Simulation and Assessment Study. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 48, Pages 1453-1458, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823377-1.50243-3

Georg Holtz, Christian Schnülle, Malcom Yadack, Jonas Friege,Thorben Jensen, Pablo Thier, Peter Viebahn, ?mile J.L. Chappin (2018): Using agent-based models to generate transformation knowledge for the German Energiewende - potentials and challenges derived from four case studies. artec Paper Nr. 218. ISSN:1613-4907

Schnuelle, Christian; Kisjes, Kasper; Thier, Pablo; Stuehrmann, Torben; Nikolic, Igor; Gleich, Arnim von; Goessling-Reisemann, Stefan (2017): Optionen für die Integration von Power-to-Fuel in den Energiewendeprozess aus einer sozio?konomischen Perspektive. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung. DIW Berlin, no. 85, pp. 53-74. https://doi.org/10.3790/vjh.85.4.53

Brand, Urte et al. (2017): Auf dem Weg zu Resilienten Energiesystemen! Resiliente Gestaltung des Energiesystems am Beispiel der Transformationsoptionen EE-Methan-System und regionale Selbstversorgung’, Universit?t Bremen, Final project report RESYSTRA.

Schnuelle, Christian; Thoeming, Jorg; Wassermann, Timo; Thier, Pablo; Gleich, Arnim von; Goessling-Reisemann, Stefan (2019): Socio-technical-economic assessment of Power-to-X – potentials and limitations for an integration into the German energy system. Energy Research & Social Science. Elsevier. No. 51 pp.187-197

Schnuelle, Christian; Kisjes, Kasper; Thier, Pablo; Stuehrmann, Torben; Nikolic, Igor; Gleich, Arnim von; Goessling-Reisemann, Stefan (2018): From niche to market – an agent-based modeling approach for the economic uptake of synthetic fuels based on renewable energies (power-to-fuel) in the German energy system. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Elsevier. (submitted)

Schnuelle, Christian (2016): From niche to market – an agent-based modeling approach for the economic integration of synthetic fuels based on renewable energies (power-to-fuel). Elsevier Energy Systems Conference, London.

Schnuelle, Christian (2016): From niche to market – Sustainable, synthetic fuels (power-to-fuel) for aviation and heavy transport.Jahreskonferenz des Leibniz-Forschungsverbunds Energiewende. (De)zentrale Energiewende – Wirklichkeiten, Widersprüche und Visionen. Berlin.

Schnuelle, Christian (2018): Socio-techno-economic assessment of synthetic fuel (PtX) concepts for the German energy system. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Energieverfahrenstechnik (EVT), DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt am Main.