Dr. Ala Pihalskaya

Visiting Scholar

Research interests:

Visual culture history and the everyday of Belarus

Printing history of Belarus

Visual culture and identity construction

Academic Emploment
  • March-December 2025: research fellowship at the University of Bremen, Institute of European Studies
  • January-June 2024: research fellowship in Bremen University, Centre for Eastern European Studies
  • October-December 2023: research fellowship in Warsaw University, department Artes Liberales
  • February 2022-February 2023: research fellowship in the Institute of Slavic Studies in the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2005-2019 European Humanitarian University, Lecturer and Director of BA Program in Visual Design. Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 2020 – up to now - quarterly publications in the magazine Sztuka
  • 2019 - 2021 Mastatstva/Arts  journal - monthly publications. Minsk, Belarus

2013 PhD from Vilnius Academy of Arts in the field of Art Criticism. Topic of the dissertation: “Forms of Everyday Representation in Belarusian Posters of 1966-1980”
2012-2013 PhD externship in Vilnius Academy of Arts (Vilnius, Lithuania)
2001- 2004 European Humanities University (Minsk, Belarus)
Postgraduate Study in the field of Theory and History of Culture
1994-1999 European Humanitarian University (Minsk, Belarus)

Publications (peer-reviewed)
Other articles, interviews and videos

Historie nierównoleg?e. Ró?nice i podobieństwa w projektowaniu graficznym w Polsce, Ukrainie, Bia?orusi i Litwie in Kultura Liberalna Nr.740, 11/2023 (14.03.2023). In Polish

Маляваныя шрыфты ? шрыфтавым арх?ве Беларус? / Art.Context, December 2023, In Belarusian

Video: Шрыфтавы арх?? ? г?сторыя мастацк?х практык Беларус? │Art.Context. Ала П?гальская, December 2023, In Belarusian

Magazine SZTUKA (in Belarusian language)

Тыпаграф?я Завадскага. Практык? друкарскага супрац?ву (Zavadsky Typography. Practices of typographical resistance.). In SZTUKA.Мастацтва вельм? польскае ???/2023, ст. 62-67.

Крыж, верацяно ? кн?га. Ядв?га Замойская ? жаночая адукацыя ? Х?Хст. (Cross, spindle and book. Yadviga Zamoyskaya and women's education in the 19th century).  In SZTUKA. Мастацтва вельм? польскае. I?/2023, ст. 20-29.

“Кал? вам абавязкова патрэбная ахвяра, вазьм?це мяне”. Жанчыны ? па?станн? 1863 года ("If you absolutely need a victim, take me." Women in the Rebellion of 1863). In SZTUKA. Мастацтва вельм? польскае. I/2023, ст. 56-63.

Русалка, этнографка, поэтка. Крысц?на Крахельская - гера?ня палескага краю (Mermaid, ethnographer, poet. Kristina Krahelskaya is the heroine of the Palesko region).  In SZTUKA. Мастацтва вельм? польскае. VI/2022, cт. 34-41.

InDesign – monthly rubric for the Mastactva (Arts) magazine, 2019-2021(more then 40 articles). In 2021, I wrote articles that considered various Belarusian design artefacts and exhibitions in the context of Polish, Ukrainian and Lithuanian design. Unfortunately, access to the electronic versions of the journal is currently terminated.


Portrait von Ala Pihalskaya
