Learning outcomes:
The aim of this course is for the students to become familiar with the theoretical foundations and the key empirical literature dealing with the strategy of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs).
Contents of the course:
This course provides the first part of the conceptual framework for the Seminar and Project in International Management and Governance. We examine the interplay between firm-specific and country-specific advantages, as well as the functional issues related to areas such as the internationalization of innovation and sourcing. We also re-examine the critical entry decision for MNEs, particularly in emerging markets. This course builds on the foundations laid by the bachelor courses International Management and International Business Environment, and some familiarity with the key concepts introduced there (or on a similar course elsewhere) is desirable, although not absolutely required. The course is based on lectures and some case studies.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the semester, students who have successfully participated in this course should be able to:
? demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying the design, process and analysis of business research;
? identify appropriate research methods for particular research questions and settings;
? show an awareness and sensitivity to the ethical issues of research;
? interpret the meaning of the most important statistical indicators featured in quantitative analysis;
? describe the basic steps, strengths and weaknesses of different qualitative methods.
Contents of the course:
This seminar aims to introduce students to the quantitative as well as qualitative research methods used most frequently by business scholars. Basic knowledge of these methodological approaches is critical to the comprehension of empirical research publications and to the design of your own research projects. The classes consist of lectures and interactive tutorial sessions with group exercises and discussion.
Learning outcomes:
This course provides the second part of the conceptual framework for the Seminar and Project in International Management and Governance. We will examine the importance of MNEs in different national economies, changes in their strategy and structure, and the impact their activities have had on both the economic and social welfare in the host (and home) countries. This course builds on the foundations laid by the bachelor courses International Management and International Business Environment, and some familiarity with the key concepts introduced there (or on a similar course elsewhere) is desirable, although not absolutely required. The course is based on lectures and some case studies.
Contents of the course:
This course provides the second part of the conceptual framework for the Seminar and Project in International Management and Governance. We will examine the importance of MNEs in different national economies, changes in their strategy and structure, and the impact their activities have had on both the economic and social welfare in the host (and home) countries. This course builds on the foundations laid by the bachelor courses International Management and International Business Environment, and some familiarity with the key concepts introduced there (or on a similar course elsewhere) is desirable, although not absolutely required. The course is based on lectures and some case studies.
Learning outcomes:
The course aims to:
? develop a deeper understanding of a number of critical theoretical and empirical issues in international management;
? develop the ability to apply theoretical concepts to real world cases to identify solutions;
? develop the ability to critically assess the usefulness of competing or complementary theories;
? further develop team work skills through a system of individual or group presentations.
Contents of the course:
This seminar examines topics in international management by discussing advanced contributions to theory. The seminar makes extensive use of articles on specialist topics from the business and management literature. These readings either challenge the received wisdoms, or introduce new topics of strategic relevance not considered in the textbooks. The course uses student presentations and group discussion in order to develop the ability to critically discuss these theories and their applications.
The specific topics covered by the seminar change over time, and they are linked to the research carried out within the Chair of International Management and Governance.
Learning outcomes:
The objective of this course is to deepen the theoretical knowledge gained by students by using a combination of presentations in class and individual research in order to stimulate the ability to critically discuss theoretical concepts and to apply them to real life cases. To achieve this objective, the students are guided to examine the behavioral assumptions underlying poplar management theories, and to apply different conceptual tools for e.g. evaluating alternative forms of governance.
Following this preparation, the students should be able to analytically asses different company cases dealing with e.g. subsidiary-headquarters relations, or specific structural adaptations adopted by MNEs, such as network structures and regional headquarters.
Contents of the course:
The course uses a combination of presentations in class and individual research with an emphasis on the application of theoretical concepts to real life cases. In addition to presentations, the students are required to prepare a final report (written individually), as well as to find material for two relevant company cases using secondary sources.
ECTS: 12
Sommer Semester 2025
Selected Issues in International Management
VAK: 07-M37-3-04-01
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Peter Bican
zweiw?chentlich (Startwoche: 2) Mo 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A3290
Mo 05.05.25 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A3290
Mo 02.06.25 16:00 - 20:00 WiWi1 A3290
Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy
VAK: 07-M37-3-03-01
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Peter Bican
zweiw?chentlich (Startwoche: 2) Di 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A3290 / WiWi2 F3290
Di 06.05.25 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A3290
Di 03.06.25 14:00 - 18:00
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