Ana Velasco

Ana Laura Velasco Ugalde
UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 7 (Haus Wien)
Raum: 7.2050
Phone: +49 421 218-67463
avelascoprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Twitter: @_anavelasco
Ana Velasco is a research associate at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen. Her doctoral research project examines state formation of former colonies through the exercise of political violence towards indigenous populations. The site of focus is northwestern Mexico and it centers the struggle of the Yaqui tribe.
Before joining InIIS, Velasco was awarded the Young Talent from Abroad grant from the Brazilian Ministry of Education which allowed her to complete a research stay at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. As a continuation of her MA dissertation, her project explored the relation between gender/sexuality, and colonization and genocides. She is also working on a book chapter on necropolitics and gender-based violence in Mexico, and another in sexual violence against men in the United States and Canada from a decolonial perspective. She holds a master's degree in Gender, Violence and Conflict from the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom and another in International Law from the University of Granada in Spain.
In parallel, Velasco works as a security consultant. Her area of expertise is the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Latin America and its implementation in the armed forces. She is also a co-founder of the collective Internacional Feminista in Mexico City. Her professional experience includes media, civil society and the Mexican government.
Political violence
Critical Genocide Studies
Nation-State formation and Indigenous peoples in the Americas
Decolonial feminist theory
Feminist security
Latin America
Velasco Ugalde, A.L. (2022), “Género, Sexualidad y Genocidio en Kanata”, CONfines, 17 (32), pp. 93-112,
Philipson, D., Arceta, D., Velasco, A. (2022), La Política Exterior Feminista de México: Una Evaluación Breve (Mexico City: Internacional Feminista, September). Available at:
Drumond. P., Rebelo, T., Mendes, I., Velasco, A. (2022), Mapeando a agenda “Mulheres, Paz e Seguran?a” na América Latina: uma compara??o dos Planos Nacionais de A??o da ONU, (Rio de Janeiro: BRICS Policy Center, May). Available at:
Velasco, A. (2021), How to Protect Electoral Candidates in Mexico? (Mexico City: Noria Research Mexico and Central America Program, June). Available at:
De Jonge Oudraat, C., Haring, E., Islas, D., and Velasco, A.L. (2020), Enhancing Security: Women’s Participation in the Security Forces in Latin America and the Caribbean (Washington, DC: Women In International Security, December). Available at:
"Research Design" invited speaker for the Master in International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. March, 2022.
“Writing Policy Briefs” invited speaker for the Master in International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. April, 2022.
“Gender and Genocides” invited in the Gender and International Politics group at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. May, 2022.
“Critical Genocide Studies” invited speaker at the Colloquium Critical Security Studies for master's and doctoral students at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. May, 2022.
Courses taught:
Analysis of Contemporary Latin America (Universidad Mondragón-Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, 2020)
Tutorial for Introduction to Theory and History of International Relations (Universit?t Bremen, 2022)
Gender and International Politics (Universit?t Bremen, 2023)
Feminist Foreign Policy: A Bridge Between the Global and Local
Yale Journal of International Affairs
April 2022
Available at:
Violent Elections in Mexico: Why do they matter?
The Informer, SHOC-Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
September 2021
Available at:
Mexico's First Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan: An Assessment
Women In International Security (WIIS)
June 2021
Available at:
1325 and the Notion of Security: Dilemmas and Significance
International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP)
January 2021
Available at: