Zeynep P?nar Erdem

Zeynep P?nar Erdem
UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 7 (Haus Wien)
Raum: 9.2190
Tel. +49 421 218-67473
P?nar Erdem is a Ph.D. researcher at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen. She joined InIIS as part of a research project funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung, focusing on the experiences of forced migrants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions and sex characteristic (SOGIESC) in Uganda and Lebanon. In her Ph.D. research, she examines the experiences of forced migrants with diverse SOGIESC in Lebanon and Turkey, with a particular focus on vulnerabilities, harms and agency. She is also an Affiliated PhD Fellow at the Bremen International Graduate School for Social Sciences.
Prior to joining InIIS, she was as a researcher at MOSAIC Mena, where she worked on a project examining violence against lesbian, bisexual and trans refugee women in Lebanon and Turkey and their experiences in accessing services. She also worked as a consultant for the United Nations Populations Fund Turkey Humanitarian Programme. She was a fellow at the LGBT Rights Program at Human Rights Watch, where she focused on conflict-related sexual violence against men, boys and trans women in the Syrian conflict and their experiences in accessing services in Lebanon.
P?nar holds an LL.M. from UCLA School of Law, with a dual specialization in International and Comparative Law and in Law and Sexuality. She received the Promise Institute for Human Rights Award. She earned her BA in Law from KO? University.
Gender and sexuality
Conflict related sexual violence and gender-based violence
Gender dynamics of political violence
International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law
Middle-East and Turkey
Book Chapters
Erdem, Z. P?nar, Maydaa, Charbel, Myrttinen, Henri. “Passing as a ‘Hard’ Man – Regulating Everyday Queer (In)Visibilities in the Syrian Conflict”. Routledge Handbook of Masculinities, Conflict and Peacebuilding., edited by Henri Myrttinen, Farooq Yousaf, Chloé Lewis, Elizabeth Laruni, and Heleen Touquet, London: Routledge, 2024 (under contract: forthcoming)
Erdem, Z. P?nar, Maydaa, Charbel, Myrttinen, Henri, Berchtold, Helena. “Doing NGO Research with Diverse SOGIESC Refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey: A Conversation.” Conflict Research: New Approaches to the Study of Political Violence, edited by Jamie J. Hagen, Samuel Ritholtz, Andrew Delatolla, Bristol University Press, 2024.
Human Rights Watch, “They Treated Us In Monstrous Ways”: Sexual Violence Against Men, Boys and Transgender Women in the Syrian Conflict” , 2020.
Online Publications
Z. P?nar Erdem, “Hidden survivors of sexual violence during Syria’s war must not be left behind”, opinion, The Guardian, 2020
Z. P?nar Erdem, “Men Can Experience Sexual Violence in War Too”, commentary, PassBlue, 2019
Birlesmis Milletler Nüfus Fonu, Kilit Mülteci Gruplara Y?nelik Hukuki Destek Rehberi, 2020.
“Peaceful Women, Violent Men? Coloniality, Peace, and Gender in Displacement”, Symposium on Refugee and Peace: Situated Knowledge, Lived Experiences, and Gender Dynamics, Osnabrück University, presentation with Dr.Philipp Schulz and David Onen Ongwech, 9-10 October, 2023
Workshop on Recognizing the political agency of forced migrants with diverse SOGIESC, Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen, organization and presentation with Dr.Philipp Schulz and David Onen Ongwech, 5-6 October, 2023.
“Navigating Gendered Threats: Differential Experiences of LGBTIQ+ Persons of the Syrian Civil War and Displacement”, InIIS Colloquium, University of Bremen, paper presented with Dr. Henri Myrttinen, 21 June 2023.
“Research ethics, methods and intersectional approaches in African Forced Migration Studies”, 2nd Workshop African Forced Migration Studies in Germany, Osnabrück University, presentation with Dr. Philipp Schulz, 4 May 2023.
“LBT Refugee Women’s experiences of violence and GBV services in Lebanon and Turkey”, Social Development Direct - Annual Technical Forum, presentation with Dr. Henri Myrttinen, 6 December 2022.
“Violence against refugee LBT women in Turkey and Lebanon”, Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum 2022, Cancun, Mexico, presentation with Dr. Henri Myrttinen, 19-23 September 2022.
“Hate Speech and Discrimination in the Light of Intersectionality”, ELSA Turkey and ELSA Germany, 20 May 2021
“Sexual Violence Against Men, Boys and Trans Women in the Syrian Conflict”, Human Rights Talks, ILSA Human Rights Commission, Istanbul University, 29 April 2021.
“Conflict Related Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys”, Workshop on Protection and Social Service Needs of Men and Boys Who Are Sexual Violence Survivors, UNFPA Türkiye, Izmir, 13 September 2021.
“Conflict Related Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys”, Workshop on Violence Against Men and Boys, UNFPA Türkiye, Adana, 12 March 2020.
Branch 251, Podcast, February 2021. They Pay Twice.
NewsTalk, Podcast, August 2020. LGBT abuse during the war in Syria.
Al Jazeera, Interview, July 2020. Gay, bisexual men and trans women speak of sexual abuse in Syria.
Folha de S?o Paulo, Interview, July 2020. “Homens também sofrem violência sexual na guerra da Síria, diz relatório”
Vice News, Interview, July 2020. Report Uncovers Sexual Violence Toward Men and Trans Women in Syrian Conflict
Human Rights Watch, Interview, July 2020. Interview: Syrian Sexual Violence Survivors Left Without Support: Men, Transgender Women Particularly Vulnerable, Lacking Services