Dr. Ben Vermeulen

Mitarbeiter im FG Resiliente Energiesysteme, FB 4 und am artec Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit

Ben Vermeulen worked 10 years in industry as (senior) software engineer, has an MSc (2007) in Innovation Science: Technology & Innovation Policy with major Mathematics (w/hon) and a PhD (2012) in Industrial Engineering, both from the TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Following his PhD, he was postdoc in projects on innovation networks for regional development (Uni Hohenheim, Stuttgart), strategic planning in the maritime sector (TU Eindhoven), the impact of robotization on work and structural change (Uni Hohenheim, Stuttgart), and technology development and energy transition (European Academy/ IQIB GmbH). From 2016 to 2018, he was visiting professor at AI-ECON, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan working on a project on experimental economics in product development subject to market and technological uncertainty. He is coordinator for Research Area "Technological change, governance & transition" of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economics, Associate Editor for journal of Review of Evolutionary Political Economy (REPE), and Advisory Board member for the Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market & Complexity (JOI).
Currently, he works in the hyBit project on hydrogen-based industrial transformation of the region Bremen, thereby leading the workpackages on the conceptual foundation (AB1.2) and the transformation platform (AB1.5).

His research interests are in regional industrial transition and governance, technological & structural change, and (spatial) agent-based modeling. Favored research methods are conceptual and agent-based modeling, as well as econometrics.

Vermeulen, B., Psenner, E. (2022). Exploiting the technology-driven structural shift to creative work in regional catching-up: toward an institutional framework. European Planning Studies, 30(9), 1798-1823, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2022.2028737

Vermeulen, B., Müller, M., Pyka, A. (2021). Social Network Metric-Based Interventions? Experiments with an Agent-Based Model of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Metropolitan Region, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 24(3).

Müller, M.; Kudic, M.; Vermeulen, B. (2021). The influence of the structure of technological knowledge on inter-firm R&D collaboration and knowledge discovery: An agent-based simulation approach, Journal of Business Research, 129(C), 570-579.

Vermeulen, B., J. Kesselhut, A. Pyka, P.P. Saviotti (2018). The impact of automation on employment: just the usual structural change?, Sustainability, 10(5), 1661; doi.org/10.3390/su10051661.

Vermeulen, B. & A. Pyka (2018). "The role of network topology and the spatial distribution and structure of knowledge in regional innovation policy. A calibrated agent-based model study.", Computational Economics, 52(3), 773-808, doi.org/10.1007/s10614-017-9776-3

Gr?bner, C., Heinrich, T., Kudic, M., Vermeulen, B. (2018), The dynamics of and on networks: an introduction, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 8 (3/4), 229-241.

Vermeulen, B., A. Pyka, J.A. La Poutré, A.G. de Kok (2017). Capability-based governance patterns over the product life-cycle: an agent-based model, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 13(2), 311-349, doi.org/10.1007/s11403-016-0184-x

Vermeulen, B., (2018). Geographical dynamics of knowledge flows: descriptive statistics on inventor network distance and patent citation graphs in the pharmaceutical industry, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 8 (3/4), 301-324.

Pyka, A., T. Buchmann & B. Vermeulen (2017). "Biosimilars in Germany: The Emergence of a new Industry in the Light of the Varieties of Capitalism approach", Technology Assessment & Strategic Management, Vol.29(3), pp. 276-289.

Vermeulen, B., & Pyka, A. (2016). Agent-based modeling for decision making in economics under uncertainty. Economics, 10(2016-6), 1-33.

Yadack, M., Bogner, K., Vermeulen, B., Graebig, M., and A. Pyka, Stadtwerke als Gestalter der Energiewende. Regionalitaet ist klarer Wettbewerbsvorteil. Energie, Markt & Wettbewerb, 5, 2016.

Vermeulen, B., K.J.M. Huisman & A.G. de Kok (2015). "Vertical governance change and product differentiation under decreasing component costs", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 57, pp.65-76.

Ferraz, D., Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A., Hartmann, D. (2023). Estratégias para Desenvolvimento Econ?mico: a diversidade ocupacional e o salário-mínimo ajudam o crescimento econ?mico?, XXVI Encontro de Economia da Regi?o Sul (ANPEC Sul).

Warendorf, T.; Vermeulen, B.; Contreras, S. F.; Myrzik, J. (2023). Socio-Technical Modeling in Energy Transition: Coupling of Industrial Energy Management and Energy Technology Development Models, 2023 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SEST57387.2023.10257474.

Adelt, F.; Barsanti, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Sarma, D.S.; Schwarz, J.S.; Vermeulen, B.; Warendorf, T.; Binder, C.; Droste-Franke, B.; Lehnhoff, S.; Myrzik, J.; Rehtanz, C.; Weyer. J. (2023). Co-Simulation of Socio-Technical Energy Systems: An Interdisciplinary Design Process. Forthcoming in Social Simulation Conference proceedings.

Vermeulen, B. (2022). Wright's learning curve or rather butterfly and bandwagon effects? On instabilities in coevolution of demand and supply of technology. Forthcoming in Buccarelli, E. et al. (ed.), Proceedings PAAMS-DECON Conference. [Best paper award]

Vermeulen, B.; Pyka, A. (2022). Extending Herbert Simon's "Science of Design": the Role of Collaboration and Users in Development of Technically Advanced Systems. in: R. Venkatachalam (ed.), Artificial Intelligence, Learning and Computation in Economics and Finance, Understanding Complex Systems, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15294-8_16.

Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A., Saviotti, P.-P., (2020). A taxonomic structural change perspective on the economic impact of computers, robots, and AI on creative work, In: Hearn, G. (ed.). The Future of Creative Work: Creativity and Digital Disruption. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A., Saviotti, P.-P. (2020) Robots, Structural Change, and Employment: Future Scenarios. In: Zimmermann K. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham.

Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A., (2019). “Economics of Robotization“, In: Sorenson, J., et al. "Perspectives on Robots: A reality check on imagined futures", Publisher: Aarhus University, ISBN: 978-87-7684-548-3, p.167-185.

Vermeulen, B., Chie, B.-T., Pyka, A., Chen, S.-H. (2019). Coping with bounded rationality, uncertainty, and scarcity in product development decisions: experimental research. In: Buccarelli, E., Chen, S.-H., Corchado, J.M. (eds.), Decision economics: Complexity of decisions and decisions for complexity. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer Verlag.

Zawieska, K., Vermeulen, B. (2019). Roboethics as a Research Puzzle. Proceedings of 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. DOI: 10.1109/HRI.2019.8673271.

Vermeulen, B., Chie, B.-T., Chen, S.-H., Pyka, A. (2017). "Evolutionary programming of product design policies. An agent-based model study.", Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, pp.1–6.

Vermeulen, B, (2016). An Essay on Agent-Based Models for Policy Making. In: Ahrweiler, Petra; Gilbert, Nigel & Pyka, Andreas (eds.) Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy: Agent-based Modelling using the SKIN Platform. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 390-418.

Vermeulen, B., Poutré, La, J. A., Kok, de, A. G. & Pyka, A. (2015). Product differentiation under bounded rationality. In: Handa, H., Ishibuchi, H., Ong, Y-S. & Tan, K-C. (eds.). Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. Berlin: Springer, 695-709.

Vermeulen, B., I. Zvarich, and B. Messmer (2017) "Spatio-temporal patterns in patents. Descriptive analysis of the forward citation graph of Bayer's breakthrough inventions.", in: Vermeulen, B., & M. Paier, "Innovation Networks for Regional Development. Concepts, Case Studies, and Agent-Based Models", Springer.

Vermeulen, B., & A. Pyka, "Technological progress and effects of (supra) regional innovation and production collaboration. An agent-based model simulation study.", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr), 2014, pp.357 - 364.

Vermeulen, B., Guffarth, D. (2017). "A process model of invention and the role of geography and governance. Anecdotal evidence from the aerospace industry in the years 1800 – 1950.", in: Vermeulen, B., & M. Paier, "Innovation Networks for Regional Development. Concepts, Case Studies, and Agent-Based Models", Springer.

Yadack, M., Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A. (2017). "Competition in the German Market for Retail Electricity: An Agent-based Simulation.", in: Vermeulen, B., & M. Paier, "Innovation Networks for Regional Development. Concepts, Case Studies, and Agent-Based Models", Springer.

Vermeulen, B., Pyka, A. (2014). "The Effects of Supraregional Innovation and Production Collaboration on Technology Development in a Multiregional World: A Spatial Agent-Based Model Study". Cellular Automata, pp. 698-707.

Vermeulen, B., & M. Paier (ed.) (2016). "Innovation Networks for Regional Development. Concepts, Cases Studies, and Agent-Based Models", Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-43939-6.

Aktualisiert von: D. Unland