NF-BWB: Promoting young talents (supported by Bremen Securities Exchange Foundation)
The number of students is tending to decline, and in the so-called MINT subjects, competition between vocational and academic training has increased and will continue to increase. For the long-term stabilization of Bremen as a location for science and business, the recruitment of young students is of utmost importance. For this goal, the CSL has been funded by the Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierb?rse BWB (Bremen Stock Exchange Foundation) since 2023 for the implementation of the project "Schüler:innen-Challenge" (Pupils' Challenge), which is intended to increase interest in MINT subjects and to practically demonstrate the career opportunities at and through the universities in Bremen.
The conception and implementation of the Student Challenge is based on the model of the Bremen Big Data Challenge, which has been successfully organized by the CSL for 8 years. The technical and organizational requirements are coordinated between the project participants in such a way that they can be mastered by the participating students and taken into account by the responsible teachers in the context of lesson planning.
Initiator and supporter of the project is the Foundation Bremer Wertpapierb?rse - BWB, in cooperation with Cognitive Systems Lab, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity and currently six schools in Bremen.
Three answers from Prof. Tanja Schultz to three questions about the importance of recruiting young talent in the MINT field. This is the aim of the young talent project, supported by the BWB Foundation.
Persons in charge: Dr. Hui Liu and Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz