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Welcome to the Chemical Process Engineering Group Webpage
Chemical Process Engineering
The Department of Chemical Process Engineering (CVT) is dedicated to the research and teaching of heat and mass transfer phenomena in technical reactions, electrochemistry and the recovery of valuable materials. In doing so, we gain fundamental knowledge by means of simulation and experimentation and are interested in developing sustainable technologies in collaboration with industrial partners.
In reaction engineering, the focus is on the development of novel processes for chemical energy conversion and storage. Further, we use electrochemical methods to analyze materials and for sustainable processes. As a contribution to the circular economy, we develop methods for recovering ultra-fine valuable particles from dusts and sludges and techniques for upcycling residual materials. The department is led by Prof. Dr-Ing. Jorg Th?ming.
The group "Chemical Production Engineering" (FG 22) is a member of the Faculty of "Production Engineering - Mechanical and Process Engineering" (FB 4) of the University of Bremen. The group is also part of the Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technology (UFT). The UFT is a Central Research Unit of the university and thus fosters networking activities on campus. At the UFT, biologists, chemists, ecologists, and engineers perform research on two core themes: resource protection and minimization of risks for men and environment.
Head of department
Prof. Dr.-Ing Jorg Th?ming
Raum UFT 2020
Tel. 0421-218-63300
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Janiene Bobrink
UFT 2030
Tel.: +49-421-218-63301