
Molecular diameter

15th place in the category Physics

Every year, Nature Scientific Reports publishes the top 100 most downloaded papers. Simon reached 15th place in the physics category with his publication "Molecular diameters of rarefied gases". We congratulate him on this success, which clearly demonstrates the relevance of his research. If you…

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DEP project succesfully completed

After several years of scientific work, Jasper took dielectrophoretic seperators to a new level within the priority program SPP 2045 founded by the DFG.

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Jasper excites with his doctoral thesis

Jasper can now also join the ranks of the graduates, having defended his dissertation with an extremely good presentation. This was about dielectrophoretic particle separation.

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Harm successfully finisches his PhD

Right at the beginning of the year, Harm successfully defended his dissertation in the field of gas-phase MRI in catalytic reactors.

Philip with his doctoral hat after successfully completing his doctorate.

Philip impressed with his outstanding doctorate.

Philip successfully defended his PhD thesis on NMR measurements of reactive bubble flows on 27.11.2023. The thesis was awarded the highest grade summa cum laude.

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Laura finishes her PhD in the field of DEP

With a great presentation and a convincing thesis, Laura was able to successfully complete her doctorate about seperating particles in inhomogenous electric fields. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement.

Reza stands next to his poster beaming with joy

Reza presented a poster at the Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry in Lyon

We are excited to share that Ph.D. candidate Reza Fayaz presented a poster of his latest findings at the 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in Lyon, France.

Simon is putting his graduate hat on his head

Simon successfully completes his PhD

With an exciting presentation Simon defends his PhD thesis about transport of rarefied gases. The whole CVT working group congratulates Simon with all its heart for this great achievement.

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Bosch Research visits CVT and ESECS

Research engineers from Bosch Research in Renningen visited the University of Bremen for a cooperation project between the Chemical Process Engieneering group (CVT) and the Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Systems group (ESECS).

Two engineers inspect a process plant

Info day process engineering at 12.07

On 12.07.2023 from 16:00 - 21:00 the VT Day will take place at FZB 0240 and FZ Halle. Students and interested people can get into conversation with lecturers, scientists and alumni while enjoying grilled food and cold drinks.

An interested group is discussing an electrolyzer and how this technology is embedded in the study program

Open Campus 2023

The CVT presented an electrolyzer at the Open Campus 2023 event and showed how current technologies are integrated into the course of studies

Electrochemical cell with three electrodes

FORUM Magazin features an article about REDUCTO

The weekly magazine FORUM interviewed Ingmar on the project REDUCTO and included the interview into an article on carbon capture and utilization.

Ingmar B?sing presents the research areas of the CVT during a visit of a high school class.

Visit to the CVT

The working group received a visit from two groups of students from high schools in Lower Saxony. Ingmar gave the students an insight into the environmental research of the working group by means of small experiments and exhibits.

The working group enjoys Grünkohl together at a restaurant

Grünkohltour of the Chemical Process Engineering department

Finally, after 3 years the CVT group could enjoy a Grünkohltour together.

Micor controller display showing reactor parameters

New studentproject about water electrolysis

Designing, building, programming and illuminating a key technology of the energy transition - this is what students learn in the current application project "Efficiency of a water electrolyzer".

Electrochemical cell for for the enzymatic reaction to reduce CO2 and regenerate NADH

Research project REDUCTO is featured in the newspaper ZEIT

Our project Reducto is about bio-electrochemical carbon dioxide removal. Renewable energy is used to power biological carbon dioxide reduction.

CVT group celebrates together

The CVT group celebrates the end of a successful year together in a restaurant. In addition to the current employees, some alumni were also present to look back on an exciting and successful year together over good food.

Kevin Kuhlmann in front of his poster on CFD and NMR on the Annal Meeting Catalysis and Reaction Engineering

Kevin wins 3rd place at the 2022 AIChE CRE annual meeting poster session

At this years Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Kevin presented a poster at the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (CRE) poster session and was awarded 3rd place in the poster price.

Alexander Zimmermann and his master thesis supervisor Jorg Th?ming are happy about the VDI award

Alexander Zimmermann is awarded with the Bremen Engineering Prize

Alexander produced such an impressive master’s thesis on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) during his time as a masters student in our group that he has now been awarded the Bremen Engineering Prize 2022 by the Bremen chapter of the Association of German Engineers (VDI).

CVT group met in Holzminden for a seminar trip

From 26.09 to 29.09 the cvt group came together in Holzminden for a group seminar. In addition to exciting work sessions, there was enough time for table tennis, hiking and get togethers in the evenings.

DEP Team at the 9th World congress on particle technology (WCPT9) Madrid

DEP Team participates on 9th World congress on particle technology

Three PhD candidates from our working group attended at the 9th World congress on particle technology (WCPT9) Madrid.

Ingmar wins award at the EUROCORR 2022 in Berlin

At this years EUROCORR in Berlin Ingmar was awarded with the EFC Poster Price for the best poster presentation and discussion.

Micro channel with electrodes

Two novel setups published within SPP 2045 for particle separation with dielectrophoresis.

In numerous of studies, dielectrophoresis (DEP) has proven that its high selectivity and versatility make it a promising separation technique in a variety of fields.

Industrial fume and the schematic representation of a functionalized membrane which can seperate gases

Simon Kunze holds conference presentation in Seoul

Simon Kunze presented his work on rarified gas flows on the 32nd international Symposium on Rarified Gas Dynamics in Seoul. A summary of his work and furhter infos can be found here:

Georg Pesch smiles in a forrest

Georg Pesch starts an assistant professorship in Dublin

Dr.-Ing. Georg Pesch follows a call from University College Dublin to an assistant professorship as of July 1, 2022.

Georg Pesch im Home Office

Auszeichnungen für 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育 Nachhaltigkeit

Die Doktorarbeit von Georg Pesch wurde mit dem Campus Preis der Universit?t Bremen ausgzeichnet

Preis für Promotionsbetreuung

Preis für Promotionsbetreuung (Zweiter Platz) für Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorg Th?ming

Erstmals hat die Universit?t Bremen herausragende Promotionsbetreuungen ausgezeichnet. Als besondere Anerkennung erhielt Jorg Th?ming einen zweiten Platz.

Arbeitsgruppe von Dr. Pouyan Boukany

Georg Pesch at TU Delft for a one-year postdoc

In the group of Dr. Pouyan Boukany at the Chemical Engineering Department of the Delft University of Technology, Georg researches the possibility to separate cancer cells from healthy PBMC using dielectrophoretical filtration.

Preistr?ger des Bremer Studienpreises 2018.

Bremer Studienpreis für Dr.-Ing. Georg Pesch

Georg erh?lt für seine Doktorarbeit "On the dielectrophoretic particle retention in porous media" den Bremer Studienpreis 2018.

MAPEX Postkarte Scientific Reports

MAPEX Postkarte

Georgs und Maltes Scientific Reports Paper wurde mit einer MAPEX Postkarte umgesetzt.

Richard G. Compton (Oxford University) to hold guest talk on electrochemistry

The UFT is very happy to welcome Richard G. Compton, Professor of Chemistry and Aldrichian Praelector at Oxford University. Richard has made numerous pioneering contributions to electrochemistry. He will talk about "New insights into nanoparticles".

Ingmar B?sing Presentation

Ingmar Gives Talk at EUROCORR 2018

Ingmar gave a presentation on microstructure influence on corrosion behavior of stainless stell


Chemical Process Engineering Seminar Trip

Our group took a seminar trip to the secluded (not so much) island of Neuwerk.

Ingmar bei Explore Science

SFB 1232 bei Explore Science

Ingmar war im Rahmen des SFB 1232 "Farbige Zust?nde" bei Explore Science in Bremen.

DEP Conference Slides

DEP 2018 Conference

Georg (invited) and Malte gave talks at the DEP 2018 conference from 23.-25. of July at the University of Surrey in Guildford (UK).

Scientific Reports Publication on DEP Filtration

Our publciation on the separation of bio particles in porous media in cooperation with Pouyan Boukany's group (at TU Delft) was published in Scientific Reports!

Logo CVT

Fachgebiet Chemische Verfahrenstechnik

Im Juni 2018 wurde das Fachgebiet Verfahrenstechnik der Wertstoffrückgewinnung in Chemische Verfahrenstechnik umbenannt.