Childcare Services

You will find various childcare facilities on the campus of the University of Bremen. These hold a diverse range of services that are tailored to the different needs of students. Initiators of the facilities are municipal sponsors, parents' associations, the University of Bremen as well as the Studierendenwerk Bremen and the General Students' Committee of the University of Bremen (AStA).

Please note: The Family Service Office does not arrange childcare places. If you are interested, please contact the respective childcare facility directly.

The Uni-Kita offers an attractive all-day care program for children aged 1-6 years. Preference is given to children of students and employees of the University of Bremen.

They have five groups for children under 3 years old with eight children each (cats, butterflies, frogs, lions & bumblebees) and one group for children over 3 years old with 18 children (giraffes).

Each group has usually two educators / specialists and, if necessary, a volunteer or an apprentice.

Location: Barbara McClinckton-Str.1

Contact: infoprotect me ?!unikita-bremenprotect me ?!.de

? +49 421 21869661

Further information is available on the website: 

Uni Kita e.V.

The Kinderland is a childcare center on campus. The children are looked after by student assistants who are financed by the AStA student council, the university, and the Student Services Organization. The Kinderland has toys and play equipment for children of all ages, an outdoor area, and a small kitchen. 

Age of children: Children are looked after in mixed-age groups, starting from six months. 

Hours of care: The childcare is offered from Mondays to Fridays in the time from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Children of parents who are studying can be looked after up to nine hours a week. In exceptional cases, such as block seminars at weekends, childcare on Saturdays can also be arranged. 

Location: Sportturm building, level 1


kinderlandprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Group size: ten children from ten months to three years of age

Location: centrally on Campus Boulevard, across from the Mensa cafeteria

Hours of care: 35/40 hours per week

Introduction to the Approach of the Wuselh?hle:
The concept of campus Kids is to enable the child to have versatile experiences and movement experiences and to be active in a self-determined way. Children learn and discover with all their senses. To do this, children need a safe, secure environment in which they can experiment. A state-certified educator and a qualified day care specialist look after the children every day and are thus permanent reference persons. In addition, two other permanent staff members are part of the team, who support activities in the group's daily routine and can also cover for sickness. Interns who complete a practical part of their training or studies are also firmly integrated into the group's daily routine.
Contact: Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60247 | campus.kidsprotect me ?!gmxprotect me ?!.de

What if there is an important exam at the university during the time your child's daycare is closed? For many parents with young children, this would be a difficult challenge.

The University of Bremen offers support in such cases and provides up to a maximum of 25 hours per year for emergency childcare by emergency moms so that students can attend important events (e.g. exams) without further complications.

Download to apply here

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Administrative Unit 08
familienprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
0421 218 60850 / 60860