Decentralized Women's Representative Collective
Who we are
The decentralized women's representative collective of the department 10 deals with all issues that directly or indirectly affect women* and gender equality at the department and thus act as part of the active gender equality policy of the University of Bremen. Not only gender issues play a role in our work, but basically everything that has to do with diversity and equal opportunities. The collective is open to people of all academic status groups, that is female* professors, academic staff, lecturers and students.
The Women's Representative for tech support and administration, Monica Wehaus, will support all women* working in department 10 administration.
Protection against discrimination and assistance in cases of discrimination are central parts of our work. We provide advice, refer to other support services and discuss possible courses of action. We also advocate for the implementation of the principles and measures of a family-friendly university.
We are allowed to participate in all commissions and committees of the department in an advisory capacity and advocate for the interests of women* and for equality in these contexts. We also help implement gender equality principles at the department level and organize events on gender-related topics. The collective is also involved in hiring processes. We review advertisement postings, employment contracts, and participate in staffing and appointment committees or interviews to ensure that gender equality guidelines are adhered to in the process.
We also network with the Central Commission for Women's Issues and the other decentralized women's collectives to keep up with new developments or to discuss university-wide issues as they occur.
Why you should join
As part of the collective, you will gain insight into all aspects of academic life at Department 10 and beyond. Insight into application and decision-making processes may be useful for your own career, but also give you the opportunity to actively participate in shaping equal opportunity of the university as a whole.
Members of the collective are elected at regular women's general meetings of department 10 – female* academic staff are elected for a term of two years, student members for one year at a time. All female* students, research assistants, lecturers, and professors are cordially invited to participate in this election. If you would like to support our work even more actively, you are cordially invited to stand for election to the collective at the next meeting. All female* academic staff and students receive invitations to the general meeting to their university mail accounts. So look out for updates!
Speaker: Urania Milevski
Members (as of Nov. 2024)
Prof. Dr. Anja Becker (Professor for Germanic medieval studies and the early modern period)
GW 2, B 3.373; 0421 218-68240; anja.beckerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Dr. Julia Borst (Principal Investigator AFROEUROPECYBERSPACE, romance studies)
GW 2, B 3.260; 0421 218-68424; julia.borstprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Chiara Gauer (deputy spokesperson; research assistant, German in multilingual contexts)
GW 2, B 3.690; 0421 218-68222; cgauerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Lara Herford (research assistant, German lingustics/ interdisciplinary linguistics)
GW 2, B 3.520; 0421 218-68292; herfordprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Milena Kahl (research assistant, German in multilingual contexts)
GW 2, B 3.690; 0421 218-68211; milena.kahlprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Linda Karpinski-Kr?ll (student; Bachelor Teacher Training Primary and Elementary Education German and Inclusive Pedagogy/ German and Educational Studies)
linda.karpinski-kroellprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Dr. Urania Julia Milevski (spokesperson; Lecturer, Modern German Literature/ Media History)
GW 2, B 3.240; 0421 218-68272; milevskiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Myriam Macé (research assistant, Romance Philology)
GW 2, B 3.480; 0421 218-68420; maceprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Julia Müller (student, teacher training grammar school/high school/ German and Religion)
jul_mue1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Laura Schwerdtfeger (student, linguistics)
schwerdtprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Dr. Paula von Gleich (Lecturer, English-Speaking Cultures/ Blue Humanities)
GW 2, A 3.450; 0421 218-68185; paulavgleichprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Donata Weinbach (research assistant, modern German literature)
GW 2, B 3.640; 0421 218-68252; weinbachprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de