Dr. Bettina Henzler
From A to Z
Ahrndt, Prof. Dr. Wiebke
Alvis-Seidel, Julia
Brandes, Prof. Dr. Kerstin
Brohl, Dr. Christiane
Dierks, Klaas
Eck, Dr. Katharina
Greiner, PD Dr. Rasmus
Greve, Prof. Dr. Anna
Hartmann, Dr. Johanna
Henzler, Dr. Bettina
Hess, Kira
Inthoff, Dr. phil. Christina
Keim, Dr. habil. Christiane
Kittlausz, PD Dr. Viktor
Knoop, Ute
Knopf, Dr. Eva
Kreul, Prof. Dr. Andreas
Müller, Prof. Dr. Michael
Na?, Mira Annelie
Ochs, Amelie
Pauleit, Prof. Dr. Winfried
Peters, Prof. Dr. Maria
Rauh, Franziska
Rooch, Prof. habil. Dr. phil. Alarich
Rüffert, Christine
Schenk, Prof. Dr. Irmbert
Schürmann, Dr. Jula Helena
Siemer, Nadja Tamara
Skalecki, Prof. Dr. Georg
Stamm, Prof. Dr. Rainer
de Vries, Kirsten
Vukovic, Vesi
Werner, Nathalie
W?bkemeier, PD Dr. Ruth
Zanichelli, Prof. Dr. Elena
Institute for Art History - Film Studies - Art Education
Film Studies and Film Mediation
Member in the ZeMKI Lab: "Film, Media Art and Popular Culture"
Member of IRCAV – Institut de recherche sur le cinéma et l’audiovisuel, Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle
Bettina Henzler is a research fellow and lecturer at the Institute for Art History - Film Studies - Art Education at the University of Bremen with a focus on film studies and film education. She is currently working on a DFG-funded postdoc project on "Film aesthetics and Childhood". She received her PhD in 2011 with a thesis on the theory and practice of the aesthetic film education developped in the context of French Cinephilia (Film?sthetik und Vermittlung, engl. ?Film aesthetics and mediation“). She studied comparative literature, English and German literature in Bonn and Brussels.
Parallel to research and teaching at the University (since 2006), she is also a freelancer in the area film and education (since 2000). She managed the French children's and youth film festival Cinéfête from 2003-2011 and works as lecturer and consultant in film education with a number of European instutions of film culture (such as Cinémathèque fran?aise Paris, Austrian Film Museum Vienna, Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin, Deutsches Filminstitut Frankfurt am Main, KINMA Hannover, City 46 Bremen). Bettina Henzler is member of the Advisory Board of the Film Education Journal (founded in 2017) and peer reviewer for the international film journal Screen.
Research interests
| Childhood and film
| Film education and mediation
| French film theory and cinephilia
| French Cinema
| New german Cinema
Research Projects
2015-2018 Film aesthetics and Childhood
2006-2011 The film pedagogy of Alain Bergala: Contexts, theorie and methology
Screen. International Journal of Academic Film and Television Studies (Oxford/Glasgow)
Member of the Editorial Board and reviewer of the Film Education Journal.
5th - 6th april 2018: "Penser le cinéma au prisme de l'enfance et l'enfance au prisme du cinéma": international conferenece in cooperation to Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3.
27th april-1st mai 2016: Childhood and Cinema. 21th International Bremen Film Conference, University of Bremen, City 46.
14th-19th January 2009: Learning from the cinema. 14th International Bremen Film Conference, University of Bremen, City 46.
Books and journals
Henzler, Bettina / Pauleit, Winfried (Hg.) (2018): Childhood, Cinema and Film Aesthetics. Berlin.
Henzler, Bettina / Pauleit, Winfried (Hg.) (2017): Kino und Kindheit. Figur - Perspektive - Regie. Berlin.
Henzler, Bettina / Zahn, Manuel / Pauleit, Winfried (2013): Filmvermittlung. Nachdemfilm.de, Nr. 13, http://www.nachdemfilm.de.
Henzler, Bettina (2013): Film?sthetik und Vermittlung. Zu Alain Bergalas cinephilem Ansatz: Kontexte, Theorie und Praxis. Marburg.
Henzler, Bettina / Pauleit, Winfried / Rüffert, Christine / Schmid, Karl-Heinz / Tews, Alfred (Hg.) (2010): Learning from the cinema. International Perpectives of Film Education. Berlin.
Henzler, Bettina / Pauleit, Winfried (Hg.) (2008): Filme sehen, Kino verstehen. Methoden der Filmvermittlung (Bremer Schriften zur Filmvermittlung). Marburg.
Bergala, Alain (2006): Kino als Kunst. Filmvermittlung an der Schule und anderswo (Bremer Schriften zur Filmvermittlung). Hg.: Bettina Henzler / Winfried Pauleit, ?bersetzung: Barbara Herber-Sch?rer. Marburg.
Henzler, Bettina (2019): Das Spiel mit Kindern als Helden. Zur ?sthetischen und reflexiven Dimension von Kinderfiguren in DAS GOLDENE DING und anderen Filmen von Ula St?ckl. In: Claudia Lenssen (Hg.): Ula St?ckl (Reihe Film-Konzepte der edition text+kritik), München 2019.
in French and English Language, see complete list
Henzler, Bettina (2018): Education à l’image and Medienkompetenz. On the discourses and practices of film education in France and Germany. ?bersetzt aus dem Franz?sischen von Madeline Whittle. In: Film Education Journal, 1 (1), P. 16-34, DOI. (https://doi.org/10.18546/FEJ.01.1.03).
Henzler, Bettina (2018): "Film as a Medium of Childhood. An Introduction to the Discourses and Aesthetics of Childhood in Cinema. In: Bettina Henzler, Winfried Pauleit (ed.): Childhood, Cinema and Film Aesthetics, Berlin, P. 10-32.
Henzler, Bettina (2018): Shifting Perspectives. The child as mediator in New German Cinema. In: Screen, Vol. 59, Issue 2, 2018, P. 213-234. (https://academic.oup.com/screen/article/59/2/213/5036224?guestAccessKey=4209962e-ddb0-4674-9d8c-a8bb05ff8ea4).
Henzler, Bettina (2015): "?ducation à l'image" et "Medienkompetenz": Quelques différences dans l’enseignement du cinéma à l'école, en France et en Allemagne. In: Philippe Bourdier, Jean-Albert Bron, Barbara Laborde, Isabelle Le Corff (Hg.): Mise au point, Nr. 7, Les Enjeux des ?tudes cinématographiques et audiovisuelles: Théories, Méthodes, Idéologies, Mise au point.
Henzler, Bettina (2010): me you he she it: Intersubjectivity in Film Mediation and Education. In: Bettina Henzler / Winfried Pauleit (Hg.): Learning form the cinema, 2010, P. 58-65.
Lectures and workshops
12.-14.9.2019 ??sthetik und Politik der Filmmontage.“ Autumn School für Lehrer*innen (konzipiert m. Stefanie Schlüter, Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst Berlin)
6.9.2019 ?Bilder von Mauerfall und Transformation. Zur Vermittlung von Geschichte im Film“ Lehrerfortbildung im Rahmen von moving history. 2. Festival des historischen Films Potsdam (25.-29.9.2019, Filmmuseum Potsdam)
23.8.2019 ?Situation“. Einführung zur Deutschland-Première des internationalen Schulkinoprojekts Le cinéma, cent ans den jeunesse 2018-2029 (Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin, Cinémathèque fran?aise Paris)
15.8.2019: ?Ein Pl?doyer für ?sthetische Filmbildung“ Er?ffnungsvortrag zur Summer School Filmbildung (Filmuniversit?t Potsdam 15.-17.8.2019)
18.6.2019: ?Franco, Allende und Marie-Claire: Umbruchsgeschichte im Blick eines Kindes“ Gastvortrag zur Ringvorlesung ?Visualizing Narratives of Change and Revolution“ (Eberhard Karls-Universit?t Tübingen)
10.5.2019: ?Zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsensein: ?berlegungen zum Filmzuschauer“. Panel-Beitrag zum 24. Internationalen Bremer Symposium zum Film, Familienbilder (Universit?t Bremen, City 46, 8.-11.5.2019)
24.4.2019 ?Montage!“ Fortbildung für Lehrer*innen im Rahmen des Fachübergreifenden Zertifikatskurses ?Film“ in Schleswig Holstein (Institut für Qualit?tsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein, Neumünster)
11.-13.11.2018: Erz?hlen und Zeigen im Film. Autumn School für Lehrer*innen im Kino Arsenal Berlin.
in English and French language, see complete list
06.04.2018: "Bouger, regarder, jouer partout et dans tous les sens : esthétique(s) de l’enfance dans le cinéma fran?ais des années cinquante": lecture in confernece "Penser le cinéma au prisme de l'enfance et l'enfance au prisme du cinéma", Paris (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 in cooperation to University Bremen), 5.-6. April 2018.
28.04.2016: ?Cinema, Childhood, Film Aesthetics“, introductory lecture to the 21th International Bremen Film Symposium, 27.4.-1.5.2016 (Universit?t Bremen, City 46).
19.04.2015: "German Landscapes seen by Children: Searching for Identity in (New) German Cinema”, contribution to the panel ?Shifting Temporal Identities“, at Childhood & Nation in World Cinema (Royal Holloway Conference, London 18.-19.4.2016).
30.10.2014: talk about cinephilia, biographie and film education (together wih Nathalie Bourgeois, Cinémathèque fran?aise) at the meeting of the Film Education Framework for Europe (29.-31.10.14 Berlin), British Film Institute, Vision Kino.
19.09.2013: ?L’education au cinéma“, lecture at “la conférence nationale Education à l’image – culture et éducation!”, Biel (Switzerland).
19.07.2013: ?Child spectators“, panel contribution at IAMHIST-Konferenz ?Childhood and the Media“, Leicester (England).
17.-19.10.2007: lecture on Film Eduation in Germany at the ?Rencontre nationale ??cole et cinéma’“, Les enfants de cinéma, Stra?bourg.
02.-05.04.2006: lecture on Film Education in Germany at the conference ?L’éducation à l’image en europe“, Europa Cinemas, Le Havre.
03.-05.06.2005: contribution to the workshop ?How to promote heritage films towards young audiences?“ at ?Il Cinema Ritrovato“, Europa Cinemas, Bologna
international projects, see complete list
2016-2018 Kino / Kind / Welt Film education project in cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum ?sterreichisches Filmmuseum Wien
since 2011 Le cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse. Participation in the International Film education programme of the Cinémathèque fran?aise in cooperation wirh the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen Berlin.
2003-2011 director of the French film festival for schools in Germany Cinéfête, in cooperation with the AG Kino- Gilde e.V. (association of arthouse cinemas in Germany) and the French Ambassy.