Johannes R?der, M. Sc.

Office: SFG 2230
Tel.: +49 421 218 64889

Former Research Associate at Resilient Energy Systems Department (at artec Sustainability Research Center)

since 2018
Research associate at University of Bremen in the research project QUARREE100

2016 – 2018
Research associate at Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Garching b. München, Germany

2013 – 2016
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Technical University Munich

Semester abroad, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

2009 – 2013
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Management at Technical University Munich


Renewable, integrated and resilient district heating systems

Model development and optimization of energy systems


R?der, J., Meyer, B., Krien, U., Zimmermann, J., Stührmann, T., & Zondervan, E. (2021). Optimal Design of District Heating Networks with Distributed Thermal Energy Storages – Method and Case Study. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 31, 5–22. PDF

R?der, Johannes; Mitzinger, Tino; Thier, Pablo; Wassermann, Timo; Dunkelberg, Elisa (2020). Analyse und Bewertung der Resilienz urbaner W?rmeversorgungskonzepte – Methodenentwicklung und Anwendung. artec-Paper, (225). PDF

Mitzinger, Tino; R?der, Johannes; Thier, Pablo (2020): Operationalization and Application of Resilience Enhancing Design Principles for District Heating Systems. In: Piero Baraldi, Francesco Di Maio und Enrico Zio (Hg.): e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15). PDF

Dunkelberg, E., Deisb?ck, A., Hirschl, B., Mitzinger, T., R?der, J., Salecki, S., Thier, P., Wassermann, T. (2020). Keimzellen für eine Quartiersw?rmeversorgung: Abwasserw?rmenutzung durch Geb?ude einer st?dtischen Wohnungsbaugesellschaft in einem Berliner Bestandsquartier. Urbane W?rmewende Arbeitsbericht Nr. 1. PDF

Dunkelberg, E., Deisb?ck, A., Herrmann, B., Hirschl, B., Mitzinger, T., R?der, J., Salecki, S., Thier, P., Wassermann, T. (2020). Fernw?rme klimaneutral transformieren: Eine Bewertung der Handlungsoptionen am Beispiel Berlin Nord-Neuk?lln. Schriftenreihe des I?W, 218/20. PDF

R?der, J.; Beier, D.; Meyer, B.; Nettelstroth, J.; Stührmann, T.; Zondervan, E. Design of Renewable and System-Beneficial District Heating Systems Using a Dynamic Emission Factor for Grid-Sourced Electricity. Energies2020, 13, 619. (PDF)

Beier, David; Mitzinger, Tino; Meyer, Benedikt; R?der, Johannes (2019): Resiliente und systemdienliche Quartiere als Baustein für die zukünftige Gew?hrleistung der Systemsicherheit. In: Conexio GmbH (Hg.): Zukünftige Stromnetze 2019. 30./31. Januar 2019 in Berlin. Pforzheim: Conexio, S. 266–282.


Model libraries

DHNx – a toolbox for district heating network optimization and simulation models.

R?der, J.; Krien, U.; Meyer, B.; Stührmann, T., Zondervan, E. (2020): Decentral Heat Storages in System-Beneficial District Heating Systems – an Integrated Optimization Approach. 6th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems. Aalborg, 06.–07.10.2020.

R?der, J.; Beier, D. 30.01.2020. “W?rmeversorgung in einer vollst?ndig Erneuerbaren Energiewelt – Ans?tze aus dem Projekt QUARREE100“. VDI-Veranstaltung des Arbeitskreises Energie und Umwelt, swb AG. Theodor-Heuss-Allee 20, Bremen.

R?der, J. (2019): Design of renewable and system-beneficial district heating systems using dynamic emission factors for grid-sourced electricity in optimization models. 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating. Copenhagen, 11.09.2019. PDF