01, Mechanical Process Engineering

Mechanical Process Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lutz M?dler
Leibniz-Institute - Research on material-oriented future technologies (IWT)
University of Bremen
Badgasteiner Street 3
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421-218-51200 
E-Mail: lmaedlerprotect me ?!iwt.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Department website: Iwww.uni-bremen.de/mvt

Prof. Lutz M?dler

Key points of the research group are production, processing, modelling and characterisation of particles in the gas phase. Current topics in research as well as teaching include reactive and non-reactive spray and layer formation processes (for example flame spray pyrolysis, spray compacting, powder production, spray cooling) in combination with process simulation and optimization using multiphase models as well as process and particle characterization using electromagnetic waves.


Updated by: bolik