Student outgoings

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An experience abroad is a great opportunity to develop personally and professionally, broaden your horizons and develop linguistic and intercultural skills! The course offers an ideal framework for this: a stay abroad can be integrated into both the Bachelor's and the Master's degree programs. Depending on the course, a suitable time window can usually be found in the 5th/6th Bachelor's or I am in the 3rd/4th Master's semester. In general, it is important to start planning a stay abroad in good time so that all deadlines are met and your own course of study can be coordinated with the semester abroad. You can find more information about partner universities, exchange programs and application deadlines and modalities on the respective subpages. If you have any questions about stays abroad during your studies, contact the Internationalization and Erasmus representatives of FB04 via

If you want to spend time abroad as part of your studies, you have various options:

1. Semester abroad
2. Internship abroad
3. Project or thesis abroad

Depending on the option and the target country, there are different programs through which the organization or financial support can be provided.

In general, it is important to look into the options for a stay abroad early on in order to ensure optimal planning and integration into the course of study. A good first point of contact for general questions is the International Office at the University of Bremen, which, in addition to regular information events, also provides a very informative website.

If you are going to spend a semester abroad as part of your studies, you will find information and contact details for the Production Engineering Department further down on this page.

Reports from students of FB04 can be found in the Stud.IP event 04-INFO-Outgoing Semester abroad: Information for outgoing students of FB04


The Erasmus program is probably the most straightforward way to study abroad: in addition to financial support through a monthly scholarship, an exchange place at a European partner university is also arranged.

Applications for the entire next academic year (starting with the winter semester) can be submitted between mid-January and February 15 of a calendar year via the “Mobility Online” database. All important information about the program and the application process can be found on the “Erasmus stay abroad” page at

The partner universities of the Department of Production Engineering are open to you as possible exchange universities. Students of cooperative degree programs (Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering Production Engineering) can also apply for places at their partner universities through the respective cooperative departments that are involved in their degree program. In this case, the online application must be made through the corresponding department.

The list of all current contracts of the University of Bremen, sorted by department, can also be found on the page linked above. More information on the partner universities of Department 04 can be found below.

Important information for WiIng PT students: When applying via Department 07, please note that there is an early procedure at FB07 that takes place via the department's own portal. Applications must be submitted here by January 15th. More information at

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Anyone interested in studying abroad outside of Europe has two options:

1. Exchange worldwide: the University of Bremen has a network of partner universities in North and Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe, some of which are available to students from all departments. Tuition fees are usually waived in full or at least in part as part of these cooperations. Applications are submitted by specific deadlines via the contact persons of the departments through which the relevant cooperation exists. All information and university partnerships can be found on the International Office website:

2. Freemover: it is also possible to apply for a guest study program at any university. This is usually more complex to organize and involves higher costs, as the usual tuition fees at the respective university must be paid regularly.


For study stays that are not completed as part of the Erasmus program, there are a number of other scholarship and funding programs. All students can apply for the PROMOS scholarship. There are also various target group and country-specific programs. The "Scholarships and funding opportunities" page provides a good overview and further information.

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EstlandTallinnTallinna Tehnikaülikool TalTech2 (BA/MA)  
FrankreichSt. Etienne    


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Representative of the Department for Internationalization, Erasmus and Promos:

Prof Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

Svenja Schell (Study Center)

Tel: 0421-218-64998

Please direct any questions about international affairs and international mobility to:

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Updated by: FB4