BIK - Institute for Integrated Product Development

The Institute for Integrated Product Development (BIK) is an engineering institute and is affiliated to the Department of Production Engineering - Mechanical and Process Engineering - of the University of Bremen through the Integrated Product Development Department. BIK was founded in 1990 and is currently headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus-Dieter Thoben. Research questions investigated at the institute vary from fundamental- to application-oriented research.

A thematic focus of the BIK is placed on product development for automation as well as lightweight construction, development of energy and resource-efficient production processes, computer-aided product development as well as vibration and acoustic analysis in product development and operation.

In addition, the BIK operates the competence centre for handling technology and a laboratory for determining acoustic properties.

On top of that, employees of the institute are active in various networks, such as the Scientific Society for Product Development (WiGeP), the Research Association for Wind Energy (FVWE) and the Centre for Wind Energy Research (ForWind).

Updated by: bolik