04, Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics

Prof. Dr. Marc Avila
Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM)
University of Bremen
Hochschulring / Am Fallturm 2
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421-218-57825 
E-Mail: marc.avila@zarm.uni-bremen.de 
Institute website: www.zarm.uni-bremen.de/

Prof. Marc Avila
The research focus of the Centre for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) is fluid mechanics, space technology and space sciences - i.e. a broad spectrum between basic research and technology development for space travel. An example of an interdisciplinary research area is astronautical exploration. Here, scientists are investigating, among other things, the question of what a lunar and Martian habitat might look like, how life support systems should be designed, how the risk of fire on astronautical space stations can be reduced, and how the optimal handling of liquids, e.g. in rocket tanks, can be ensured. In the area of ??basic research, ZARM scientists use experimental, theoretical and numerical approaches, for example to test Einstein's general theory of relativity with the help of satellites. On the theoretical-numerical side, the development of models and parallelized high-performance codes is combined with the use of software, which makes it possible to efficiently simulate almost any flow and to precisely assess disruptive effects in the satellite orbits. In addition, researchers at ZARM develop technologies for space missions and experiments that are tested on the International Space Station (ISS), on sounding rockets, on parabolic aircraft or in ZARM's own Bremen drop tower and GraviTower Bremen Pro.

Updated by: bolik