15, Engineering Mechanics / Structural Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics / Structural Mechanics

Badgasteiner Street 3
28359 Bremen

Fachbereich 04 - Logo

Bremens Institute for Structural Mechanics and Production Systems (bime) combines the fields of manufacturing equipment, technical mechanics / structural mechanics and process-oriented technology design. In its research, the institute deals with the development and operation of production facilities - from basic mechanical design, mechatronic components and control technology to facility operation as well as production logistics.
The institutes three focal points complement each other in an ideal manner, because their interaction enables a comprehensive view of production facilities, their operation as well as process chains from different, essential perspectives.
Bime institute's recipe for success is focussed on the cooperation of these focal points, by linking fundamental research with application-oriented science as well as close cooperation with the industry.


Updated by: bolik