31, Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Systems

Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Systems

Prof. Fabio La Mantia
Area of expertise: Energy storage and energy conversion systems
University of Bremen
Wiener Street 12, Room 1.5.13
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421-2246-7331
E-Mail: lamantiaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Institute website: www.esecs.uni-bremen.de

Prof. F. La Mantia

The research group was established in July 2015 in the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IFAM. It is founded by a group of scientists, who are particularly concerned with the electrochemical conversion of chemical into electrical energy as well as the development of efficient methods for energy storage. Focus of the scientific work is placed on battery development for stationary applications, especially aqueous lithium-ion as well as metal-ion batteries. New materials next to new concepts are developed and tested to increase the lifetime as well as efficiency of the batteries. These include aqueous zinc ion and mixed ion batteries, electrochemical ion pumping for the conversion of heat at low temperatures, lithium recovery from salt water, desalination of seawater and energy generation from salt gradients.


Updated by: bolik