Alex Veit


Dr. Alex Veit


Professional activities

Since April 2023

Policy Analyst at the European Council of Foreign Relations

2019 - March 2023
Academic councilor at the "Institute for Intercultural and International Studies".

2018 - 2021
Co-director of the project "Transnational Welfare. Rise, Decay and Renaissance of Social Policy in Africa" (DFG-SFB 1342, Project B9)

Since 2016 - 2019
Head of the research project "International Interventions against Sexualized Violence. Intended and Unintended Consequences" (DFG).

October 2020 - March 2021
Substitute for the professorship of peace and conflict studies at the Center for Conflict Research at the University of Marburg

September 2013 - February 2014
Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence

2011 - 2019
Research Associate at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen

2009 - 2011
Research Associate at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG) at Bielefeld University
Research Assistant at the Institute for Political Science at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
2004 - 2008
Research Associate at the Junior Research Group "Micropolitics of Armed Groups" (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation), Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin



February 2010     
PhD (Political Science) at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin

Doctoral studies at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin

June 2004     
Master's degree

Erasmus studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Master's degree in African Studies (major), Political Science and European Ethnology, Humboldt University Berlin


Research stays

2016 and 2017
Various stays in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to conduct research on projects and programs against sexual violence

February-April 2016
New York City and Washington DC to research projects and programs of international organizations against sexualized violence in war contexts

July-August 2008
Journalistic and ethnographic research in the Democratic Republic of Congo, funded by a grant from the German Institute for Human Rights
March - June 2006, September - December 2005
Ethnographic research for the dissertation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda
January - February 2005
Dissertation preparation in Bordeaux, France
October - December 2002
Research for master thesis in South Africa, financed by a scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

In my research, International Relations and historical political sociology overlap. Eastern and Southern Africa form a geographical focus. Since February 2019, I have been working on "The Rise, Decay, and Renaissance of Social Policy" in Africa. In this research, which takes place in the context of SFB 1342 on Global Development Dynamics of Social Policy, I am particularly studying South Africa and Tanzania.

A second project looks at the policy implications of international projects and programs against sexual violence in eastern Congo. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, I have previously studied the dynamics between humanitarian military intervention, armed groups, and local governance structures.

In teaching and research, I also address policy fields such as development cooperation, international sovereign debt policy, social movements, conflict studies, and theories of world society. Before coming to InIIS at the University of Bremen, I was a research fellow at Humboldt University Berlin, the University of Magdeburg, and the University of Bielefeld. In winter 2013-14, I was a Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.

Veit, Alex, und Sarah Biecker. 2022. ?Love or crime? Law-making and the policing of teenage sexuality in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo“. Journal of Eastern African Studies

16 (1): 138–59.

Veit, Alex. 2022. ?Class-Based Communities: The Postcolonial Reform of School Education in South Africa“. In International Impacts on Social Policy

, herausgegeben von Frank Nullmeier, Delia González de Reufels, und Herbert Obinger, 131–44. Global Dynamics of Social Policy. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Chipenda, Clement, Alex Veit, und Jonas Pauly. 2021. The trajectory of food security policies in South Africa, 1910-1994. The persistence of food subsidies. Bd. 9. Bremen: SOCIUM SFB 1342 WorkingPapers.

Sadock, Musa, und Alex Veit. 2021. ?International trailblazer: Primary health care in Tanzania, 1920s-1990s“. Working paper, Socium SFB1342, Nr. 19 (Juli).

Veit, Alex. 2020. ?Friedensfarbe Blau? Geschichte und Kritik der UN-Blauhelmmissionen“. iz3w

, Nr. 378 (Mai).

Veit, Alex. 2019. ?Feminism in the Humanitarian Machine. Introduction to the Special Section on ‘The Politics of Intervention Against (Conflict-Related) Sexual and Gender-based Violence’“. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding

13 (4): 401–17.

Veit, Alex, und Lisa Tsch?rner. 2019. ?Creative Appropriation: Academic Knowledge and Interventions Against Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo“. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding

13 (4): 459–79.

Münch, Philipp, und Alex Veit. 2018. ?Intermediaries of Intervention: How Local Power Brokers Shape External Peace- and State-Building in Afghanistan and Congo“. International Peacekeeping

25 (2): 266–92.

Veit, Alex, Klaus Schlichte, und Roy Karadag. 2017. ?The Social Question and State Formation in British Africa: Egypt, South Africa and Uganda in comparison“. European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie

58 (2): 237–64.

Veit, Alex. 2016. ?The Utopia of Rules, von David Graeber“. Soziopolis

, M?rz.

Koloma Beck, Teresa, und Alex Veit. 2015. ?Widerstand und Herrschaft in der Weltgesellschaft“. ZIB Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen

22 (1): 99–112.

Veit, Alex. 2015. ?Review of “The Trouble with the Congo“ and “Peaceland“ by Séverine Autesserre“. European Review of International Relations 2 (1): 121–27.

Veit, Alex. 2012. ?International Intervention and the Congolese Army: A Paradox of Intermediary Rule“. In Statebuilding and State-Formation. The Political Sociology of Intervention

, herausgegeben von Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, 52–68. London: Routledge.

Veit, Alex. 2012. ?Die Grenzen liberaler Intervention: intermedi?re Herrschaft in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo“. Comparativ 22 (3): 65–78.

Veit, Alex, und Klaus Schlichte. 2012. ?Three Arenas: The Conflictive Logic of External Statebuilding“. In Statebuilding and state-formation: the political sociology of intervention, herausgegeben von Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, 167–81. Routledge studies in intervention and statebuilding. London?; New York: Routledge.

Veit, Alex. 2011. ?Social Movements, Contestation and Direct International Rule: Theoretical Approaches“. Stichproben - Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien 20: 17–43.

Imbusch, Peter, und Alex Veit. 2011. ?Guest Editorial: The Nexus of Violence, Violence Research, and Development. Introduction to the Focus Section“. International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV)

5 (1): 4–12.

Veit, Alex, Vanessa Barolsky, und Suren Pillay. 2011. ?Violence and Violence Research in Africa South of the Sahara“. International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV)

5 (1): 13–31.

Veit, Alex. 2010. Intervention as Indirect Rule: Civil War and Statebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Frankfurt: Campus.

Veit, Alex. 2010. ?Drei Arenen. Warum Staatsbildung von au?en so schwierig ist“. In Interventionskultur: Zur Soziologie von Interventionsgesellschaften

, herausgegeben von Thorsten Bonacker, Michael Daxner, Jan H. Free, und Christoph Zürcher, 261–68. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Veit, Alex. 2008. ?Figuration of Uncertainty: Armed Groups and ?Humanitarian‘ Military Intervention in Ituri (DR Congo)“. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 2 (3): 291–307.

Veit, A. 2008. ?Empire in Denial: The Politics of State-building by David Chandler“. Development and Change 39 (1): 176–77.

Schlichte, Klaus, und Alex Veit. 2007. ?Coupled Arenas: Why State-building is so Difficult“. 3. Working Papers Micropolitics. Berlin: Humboldt-Universit?t.