Knowledge Production in German Peace and Conflict Research & in Security Politics

In this project, the participating researchers use case studies (Afghanistan and Somalia) to examine the production of peace and security policy knowledge in Germany and East Africa on participation in interventions in intra-state wars with military or financial means. This is because the role of intervention-relevant knowledge in German foreign policy has not yet been researched. The project aims to find out in which form knowledge from peace and conflict research is reflected in institutional security policy knowledge, how scientific and political knowledge production are interrelated and can be better brought together. The results will then be used to develop recommendations for action for academia, policy advisors and government institutions.
The project is a joint project involving the University of Bremen and the Universities of Kiel and Erfurt. A professor and a post-doctoral researcher are working on the project at each location. In Erfurt, Prof. Dr. Sophia Hoffmann and Dr. Amelie Harbisch (International Politics and Conflict Research) are involved, and in Kiel, Prof. Dr. Dirk Nabers and Dr. Frank Stengel (Political Sociology).
Project members
Klaus Schlichte, Jude Kagoro