Dieter Senghaas Lectures

  • Dieter Senghaas

    Mitbegründer der deutschen Friedensforschung und des InIIS.

With this lecture series, the Institute of Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) and the Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Bremen are paying tribute to the life and work of the internationally renowned peace and conflict researcher Dieter Senghaas, who has taught at the University of Bremen since 1978 and is a co-founder of the InIIS. With the “civilizational hexagon” he developed, which focuses on the possibilities of peaceful development in and between societies, he has created a paradigm that has made it into the A-level assignments of German students and into the most important textbooks on international relations. His book “Zivilisierung wider Willen” (Civilization Against Will) about the long and difficult process of building sustainable peace in Europe has been translated into numerous languages, including Chinese, Arabic and Korean. His complete works include 35 books written by him as well as 35 other books in which he was involved as editor or co-author.

Nach den Kriegen


Der Krieg gegen den Planeten


Einheit, Vielfalt. Differenz. Vom Umgang mit dem Anderen im zeitgen?ssischen Islam


Zurück in die Zukunft: Die Wiederkehr der Machtpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert


Ende oder Rückkehr der Geschichte? Weltpolitik vor neuen Herausforderungen


Das Politische im Postkolonialismus heute


Kriege beenden, aber wie?


Postnationaler Imperialismus?
