The Implication of Intra-EU Migration on the European Coordination of Social Security

Mobility within the EU has increased steadily in recent years and is asymmetric from east to west. Against this backdrop, the free movement of EU citizens and their access to nationally anchored welfare state benefits is a central issue for policymakers and scholars (Blauberger et al. 2020; Bruzelius/Seelaib-Kaiser 2017; Schmidt et al. 2018). While policymakers in some European countries are in favor of limiting welfare state rights for EU citizens, others oppose this. They see the portability of social rights as necessary for a social Europe and flourishing internal migration (Ruhs/Palme 2018). Against this background, my PhD project examines the interplay between EU social security coordination and nationally constituted welfare state systems on the basis of the European Commission's reform proposal for the Social Security Coordination Regulation, which has been under negotiation since 2016 with an as yet open outcome. Rational choice theory approaches as well as institutionalism approaches are used to explain this (Ruhs/Palme 2018). Methodologically, I draw on case studies.
Dissertation Project
Christina Grabbe
Publications relevant to the project
Blauberger, Michael/Grabbe, Christina/ Ripoll Servent, Ariadna (2022): EU free movement of people: fully recovered or suffering from long COVID?, Journal of European Public Policy,
Zimmer, Annette/Grabbe, Christina/Gluns, Danielle (2021): Revolution or Modernization? Social Enterprises and the German Welfare Arrangement. In: Management International, 28(4), 84-100.
Zimmer, Annette/Grabbe, Christina (2021): Models of Public Administration and German Subsidiarity. In: Levy, Katja/Zimmer, Annette/Ma, Qingyu (Hrsg.), Still a Century of Corporatism? Baden-Baden: Nomos, 39-56.
Lovelady, Beth/Grabbe, Christina (2021): Models of Cooperation in Germany’s Migrant Services, in Levy, Katja/Zimmer, Annette/Ma, Qingyu (Hrsg.): Still a Century of Corporatism? Baden-Baden: Nomos, 57-80.
Grabbe, Christina/Obuch, Katharina/Zimmer, Annette (2019): Social Innovation in niches. In: Biggeri, Mario/Testi, Enrico/Bellucci, Marco/During, Roel/Persson, Thomas H. (Hrsg.), Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. Ecosystems for Inclusion in Europe. London/New York: Routledge, 145-163.
Obuch, Katharina/Grabbe, Christina (2019): Sozialunternehmertum und Social Entrepreneurship in Deutschland. Change Maker im Kommen? In: Freise, Matthias /Zimmer, Annette (Hrsg.), Zivilgesellschaft und Wohlfahrtsstaat im Wandel. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 143-168.
Working/Discussion Papers
Grabbe, Christina (2020): Education. RheinFlanke, LoGoSO Research Paper Series 20, Berlin: FU Berlin,
Grabbe, Christina (2020): Vulnerable Groups – Agisra e.V, LoGoSO Research Paper Series 17, Berlin: FU Berlin,
Grabbe, Christina (2020): Social Assistance and Housing. Auszugsmanagement, LoGoSO Research Paper Series 18, Berlin, FU Berlin,
Grabbe, Christina (2018): Refugee Integration Policy and Public Administration in Cologne, LoGoSO Research Paper Series 7, Berlin: FU Berlin,
Grabbe, Christina (2018): Education Policy and Integration in Germany, LoGoSO Research Paper Series 1, Berlin: FU Berlin,