Carolin Zieringer


Carolin Zieringer

06/2022 – 06/2025

Doctoral Fellow Research Training Group ?Contradiction Studies” University Bremen


10/2021 – 03/2022

Research Associate (Honorary Basis) WoC University Bremen


2018 – 2022

M.A. Political Theory Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt/M. und TU Darmstadt

MA-Arbeit: ?Haltungsfragen. Versuch einer feministischen k?rpertheoretischen Perspektive auf die kritische Haltung“ (?Questions of Attitude. Attempting a Feminist Body-Theoretical Perspective on the Critical Attitude".)



Project Coordinator and collective curator ?Nocturnal Unrest. A feminist festival for theory, performance and radical fl?neuserie“ nOu Kollektiv and Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt


2017 – 2018

M.A. Anthropology and Cultural Politics Goldsmiths College London

M.A.-Arbeit: “En-Gendering Space. Female Recreational Boxing in South-East London” (won the 2018 Pat-Caplan-Award)


2013 – 2017

B.A. Political Science and Social/Cultural Anthropology University Bremen and Universidad de Salamanca (Erasmus semester)

B.A.-Arbeit: ?Die Grenzen der Menschenrechte. Zur Politik des Menschlichen“ (?The borders of human rights. On the politics of the human”)

Political Philosophy, especially regarding subject formations and power

(Queer-)Feminist Theories

Radical Democratic Theory, especially Jacques Rancière and Judith Butler

Disability Studies and Crip Theories

Body Politics, relationality and Care

Post/De-Colonial Studies


Poppinga, A; Streinzer, A; Zieringer, C; Wanka, A; Marx, G: Moralische ?berforderung und die Ambivalenz des Helfens in der Coronakrise. (Moral Overload and the Ambivalence of Helping in the Corona Crisis) In: Beuerbach et al. (Hg.) Sinn in der Krise. Kulturwissenschaftliche Analysen der Corona-Pandemie. (Meaning in Crisis. Cultural Studies Analyses of the Corona Pandemic). Berlin, Boston: DeGruyter, 75-90.



Streinzer; Wanka.; Poppinga; Zieringer; Marx: Near Co-Laborations. The VERSUS Project as Relational Epistemic Practice to Analyse the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Eitel et al. (Hg.), Interventions with/in Ethnography. Kulturanthropologie Notizen 83, 73-84. Abrufbar unter: (OA)



Streinzer; Poppinga; Zieringer; Wanka; Marx: Familial Intimacy and the ‘Thing’ between Us. Cuddle Curtains and Desires for Detached Relationality. In: Anthropology in Action 27(2), 68-72. Abrufbar unter: (OA)



Zieringer, C.; Leonhardt, C.: Die Ironie der Politik. Rancière mit queer-feministischen Perspektiven weiterdenken. (The Irony of Politics. Rethinking Jacques Rancière from a queer-feminist perspective) In: Gebhardt (Hg.) Staatskritik und Radikaldemokratie. Das Denken Jacques Rancières (State Criticism and radical democracy. The thought of Jacques Rancière). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 173-190.



?Was w?re, wenn ich wüsste, wer ich sein k?nnte?‘ Ein Essay zum Zusammenhang von Wissen und Identit?t am Beispiel der Identit?tsposition ?Frau‘ ('What if I knew who I could be?' An essay on the interconnection between knowledge and identity using the example of the identity position 'woman'). In: ZKFF Bremen (Hg.) Geschlechterverh?ltnisse in Wissenschaft & Gesellschaft. Hamburg: Dr.-Kovac, 157-171.



Review: ‘Kritische Kollektivit?t im Netz‘ (Critical Collectivity on the Web) by C. Wiedemann, In: Surveillance Studies Blog. (OA)



My Body that is not mine. What does Judith Butler's Concept of the Body mean for our Understanding of Responsibility? In: Key Issues 17.


Panelist (nOu Kollektiv) ?Festivals kuratieren – ein Erfahrungsaustausch“ (“Curating Festivals – Exchanging experiences”), Symposium Undoing Mastery of the Collaborative Research Centre Affective Societies/Institute for Theatre Studies Humboldt University Berlin



Conceptualisation and lead Autonomous Seminar Goethe Universit?t Frankfurt/M.

?Der ?Lesbische Blick‘ und feministische Politiken der (Un-)Sichtbarkeit ("The 'Lesbian Gaze' and Feminist Politics of (In)Visibility") incl. a workshop with Dr. E. v. Redecker and Dr. L. Duggan.)



Co-Conceptualisation and lead Autonomous Seminar at Technical University Darmstadt

 ?Frauen* in der Nacht. Von n?chtlicher Emanzipation, Flanieren in der Dunkelheit & un(-vorher-)gesehener Performance“ ("Women* at Night. Of nocturnal emancipation, strolling in the dark & un(fore)seen performance”)



Talk ?Embodied knowledge and space. Female recreational boxing in South-East London” LOVA (Association for Feminist Anthropology) Study Day Gender Moves, Universiteit Leiden



Talk ?Serious Fun. Experimental ethnographic methods for research on humour and joy in feminist activism”, Conference at the Institute for Advanced Studies, University College London



Workshop leader ?Ecstatic Bodies. Agency and Responsibility in the work of Judith Butler“

Queer Network of the German Academic Foundation e.V. (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V.)



Conference conceptualisation and organisation ?Critiques of Humanitarianism from the perspective of political sciene and cultural anthropology”, together with Pauline Anton at University Bremen / German Academic Foundation e.V. (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V.)

Expected Sept/Oct 2022 (tbc).

Working Group Conecption and Lead "Queering Knowledges: queer feminist theory and critique of science". Queer Academy of the Queer Network of the German National Academic Foundation.


SoSe 22

“Lehrbeauftragte” "Introduction to political theory" (“?bung”)| University of Bremen


10/2020 - 04/2021

Autonomous Tutor (AT) | Goethe University Frankfurt/M.

Conception & Lead "The 'Lesbian Gaze' and queer-feminist politics of (in)visibility" incl. workshop with Dr. E. v. Redecker and Dr. L. Duggan


10/2019 - 02/2020

Autonomous Co-Tutor (AT) | TU Darmstadt

Co-conception & co-lead "Women* at Night. Of nocturnal emancipation, strolling in the dark & un(-pre)seen performance"


10/2019 - 02/2020

Tutor "Introduction to the Philosophy of Law" | Goethe University Frankfurt/M.



Workshop at the Queer Network of the German National Academic Foundation.

Interdisciplinary Workshop "Ecstatic Bodies. Agency and Responsibility in Judith Butler"