Christina Grabbe


Christina Grabbe

UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 7 (Haus Wien)

Room: 7.2140

Tel.: +49 421 218-67465
 cgrabbeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Postal Address:
Universit?t Bremen
Fb8/ InIIS
Postfach 33 04 40
28334 Bremen

Christina Grabbe is a political scientist and Ph.D. researcher at the Institute of Intercultural and International Studies of the University of Bremen. In her Ph.D. project, she researches the interplay between free movement and social rights in the European Union. Further, she is an Adjunct fellow of the Bremen Graduate School of Social Sciences. Her research interests are European Politics with a focus on the European Single Market, European Welfare States and the European Administrative Area.

She obtained a double bachelor in European Studies/Public Administration from the Universities of Münster and Twente Enschede (Netherlands) and a master in political science in Münster and Taipei. After finishing her studies, she gained work experience at the German Research Institute of Public Administration, Speyer.


Curriculum Vitae

Since 10/2019

Research Associate at InIIS, University of Bremen, special research cluster “Global Dynamics of Social Policy“ (until 12/2021) and dissertation project “The Implication of Intra-EU Migration on the European Coordination of Social Security”


08/2021 – 10-2021 and 02/2022- 05/2022

Visiting Research Stay, University of Copenhagen, Centre for European Politics


06/2019 - 09/2019  

Consultant, German Research Institute for Public Administration,

Consulting projects on legal impact assessments, digitalization and environmental laws for the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the GIZ and the German Environment Agency.


01/2019 - 05/2019    

Research Associate, Institute University of Münster,

Research project LoGoSO - Models of Co-operation between Local Governments and and Social Organizations in Germany and China. Project by the Free University of Berlin and the University of Münster.



10/2015 – 12/2018

Master in Political Science (M.A.), University of Münster

Semester abroad 2017 at the Soochow University Taipei, Taiwan


10/2012 – 10/2015

Double Bachelor Public Administration (B.A.) University of Münster und European Studies (B.Sc.) University of Twente, The Netherlands



German, English, Spanish, Chinese, Danish (basic knowledge)

European Integration and European Single Market

Social Policy

European Welfare States

European Administrative Area

Journal articles (peer-reviewed):

Grabbe, Christina/Steffens, Carolin (2023): St?rkung der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Rechtsetzung: Gleichstellungsorientierte Gesetzesfolgenabsch?tzung in Deutschland und Europa, Zeitschrift für Gesetzgebung (ZG), 38(1), 57-74. 

Grabbe, Christina (2023): Free movement and access to social security in the EU: The challenge of exporting unemployment benefits, European Journal of Social Security,

Blauberger, Michael/Grabbe, Christina/ Ripoll Servent, Ariadna (2022). EU free movement of people: fully recovered or suffering from long COVID?, Journal of European Public Policy,

Zimmer, Annette/Grabbe, Christina/Gluns, Danielle (2021). Revolution or Modernization? Social Enterprises and the German Welfare Arrangement, Management International, 28(4), 84-100.


Book chapters (peer-reviewed): 

Zimmer, Annette/Grabbe, Christina (2021). Models of Public Administration and German Subsidiarity. In Levy, Katja/Zimmer, Annette/Ma, Qingyu (Eds.), Still a Century of Corporatism? Baden-Baden: Nomos, 39-56.

Lovelady, Beth/Grabbe, Christina (2021). Models of Cooperation in Germany’s Migrant Services. In Levy, Katja/Zimmer, Annette/Ma, Qingyu (Eds.), Still a Century of Corporatism? Baden-Baden: Nomos, 57-80.

Grabbe, Christina (2021). 德国教育政策与社会融入 (Bildungspolitik und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe in Deutschland). In Levy, Katja/Zimmer, Annette/Ma, Qingyu (Eds.), 中国与德国政治和做服务观察. Beijing: National Administration Press, 108-128.

Grabbe, Christina (2021). 科隆难民群体的就业网络项目(Projekt zum Thema Jobsuche Netzwerk für Geflüchtete in K?ln). In Levy, Katja/Zimmer, Annette/Ma, Qingyu (Eds.), 中国与德国政治和做服务观察. Beijing: National Administration Press, 274-295.

Grabbe, Christina/Obuch, Katharina/Zimmer, Annette (2019). Social Innovation in niches. In Biggeri, Mario/Testi, Enrico/Bellucci, Marco/During, Roel/Persson, Thomas H. (Eds.), Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. Ecosystems for Inclusion in Europe. London/New York: Routledge, 145-163.

Obuch, Katharina/Grabbe, Christina (2019). Sozialunternehmertum und Social Entrepreneurship in Deutschland. Change Maker im Kommen? In Freise, Matthias /Zimmer, Annette (Eds.), Zivilgesellschaft und Wohlfahrtsstaat im Wandel. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 143-168.


The Reform of Regulation (EC) 883/2004: an Enfant Terrible of EU Policy Making”, Workshop “Worker Protection across Borders”, 28.09.2023, Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies, Salzburg.

EU Free Movement of People: Fully recovered from or suffering from long covid?“, Conference of Europeanists (CES), 1.07.2022, ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon.

“The Free Movement of Workers and the Unequal Access to Social Security“, Conference of Europeanists (CES), 30.06.2022, ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon.

“Socio-economic inequalities between member states and the reform of the EU social security coordination“,11th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, 8.06.2022, LUISS University, Rome.

“The Free Movement of Workers and the unequal access to social security“, Interdisciplinary Conference on European Advanced Studies, 12.05.2022, Institut d?études européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels

“EU Free Movement of People: Fully recovered from or suffering from long covid?”, presentation together with Michael Blauberger und Ariadna Ripoll Servent, European University Institute, 09.-10.12.2022, Florence.

“Explaining conflicts among Western European States on the proposed reform of the EU social security coordination“, Political Science Day 2021 of the Austrian Political Science Association (OEGPW), 25.-26.11.2021, Salzburg (online).

“Ein zu hohes Risiko? Erkl?rungen für Konflikte zwischen westeurop?ischen Staaten bei der Reform der EU-Koordinierung der sozialen Sicherheit“, The European Union and its Borders - Workshop of the Standing Group on European Sociology of the German Sociological Association (GSA), 12.-13.11.2021, Schw?bisch-Gmünd (online).

“Arbeitsmigration in Europa – Die soziale Absicherung des Binnenmarkts“, presentation together with Susanne K. Schmidt and Josephine Assmus, Campus City lectures series of the University of Bremen, 22.10.2021, Bremen.

“Business as Usual: Networks and Contracts in German Public Administration“, 48th Conference of the Association on Nonprofit Research and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), 21.-23.11.2019, San Diego.

“Die Verwaltung im Reformmodus? – Die Reaktion der Kommunalverwaltung auf externe Herausforderungen – eine Fallstudie der Unterbringung Geflüchteter“, Workshop of the Standing Group on “Migration Politics” of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), 2.-3.05.2019, Münster.

“Alte und neue Player im deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaat. Praxisbeispiel Sozialunternehmen“, conference ?Zivilgesellshaft undWohlfahrtsstaat: Akteure, Strategien und Politikfelder im Wandel“ University of Münster, 23.-25.11.2016, Münster.


Introduction to Academic Research and Writing in Political Science, WiSe 2019, WiSe, 2020, WiSe 2021, WiSe 2022, U Bremen.