Helen Seitzer


Dr. Helen Seitzer

UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 7 (Haus Wien)

Room 7.1100

Tel.: +49 421 218-57065

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Helen Seitzer conducted her PhD reasearch in 2021 in the Collaborative Research Center 1342 at the University Bremen on the topic "Conceptualizing the transnational education policy process from a relational perspective". She joined the Collaborative Research Center 1342 again in 2022 as a PostDoc in the project " The Global Development of Coverage and Generosity in Public Education".

In her research, she focuses on the influence of different international organizations on national education policies as well as the interaction of these organizations with each other. A particular focus here is how the organizations drive the inclusion of disadvantaged groups to education.

  • Transnational policy-making processes

  • International Organizations

  • education policy

  • Network analysis and advanced quantitative methods

  • Text analysis in the social sciences



2018-2021: Collaborative Research Center 1342, Project A05: The global development, diffusion and transformation of educational systems

2022-current: Collaborative Research Center 1342, Project A05: The Global Development of Coverage and Generosity in Public Education