Rosine Kelz


Dr. Rosine Kelz

UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 7 (Haus Wien)

Room: 7.2080

Tel.: +49 421 218-67469

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Rosine Kelz is a political theorist at the University of Bremen. In her D.Phil dissertation she explored critiques of sovereignty and notions of relationality and difference in the works of Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler and Stanley Cavell. Rosine was a Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Bio-Humanities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and worked as a research associate at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam. Her research and teaching interests are in the areas of modern and contemporary political and social thought, (environmental) ethics, and Science and Technology Studies

  • Contemporary Political Theory

  • Poststructuralism

  • History, Philosophy and Sociology of the life sciences

  • Ethics (esp. environmental ethics and ethics of nature conservation)

  • Feminist theories


Current Project:

Habilitationsvorhaben ?Novel Natures? Ontologies of Nature and the normativity of Biotechnologies in Nature Conservation”


  • The non-sovereign self, responsibility, and otherness: Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, and Stanley Cavell on moral philosophy and political agency. 2016, Palgrave Macmillan, London


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed):

  • Politics of time and mourning in the Anthropocene. With Henrike Knappe (equal contributions). Social Sciences. 2021. DOI 10.3390/socsci10100368

  • Tissue Culture and Biological Time – Alexis Carrel, Henri Bergson and the Plasticity of Living Matter, BioSocieties. 2021. Online first DOI 10.1057/s41292-020-00224-2

  • Genome editing animals and the promise of control in a (post)anthropocentric world, in Body and Society, 26 (1), 2020, pp. 3-25, DOI 10.1177/1357034X19882762

  • Thinking about future/democracy: towards a political theory of futurity, in Sustainability Science, 14 (4), 2019, pp. 905-913. DOI 10.1007/s11625-019-00697-6

  • Migration and Political Theory – Concepts of non-sovereignty and solidarity, in movements. Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung. 2015, 1 (2)

  • The non-sovereign self and limitations to self-ownership, in Journal of Intellectual History and Political Thought, 2012, 1 (1)


Book Chapters (peer-reviewed):

  • Temporality and Democratic Sustainability. With Alexander Neupert-Doppler and Henrike Knappe (equal contributions), in Nanz, Knappe and Bornemann (eds.), Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability. Routledge, 2022, pp.107-120

  • Political Friendships to Come? – Futurity, Democracy, and Citizenship. In Collison, Tsagis, Fathaigh (eds.), Derrida's Politics of Friendship: Amity and Enmity, Edinburgh University Press, 2022, 201-210

  • The Ethics and Politics of Temporality: Judith Butler, Embodiment, and Narrativity. In Rae and Ingala Gomez (eds.), Historical Traces and Future Pathways of Poststructuralism: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics, Routledge, 2021, pp.160-180

  • Anspruch auf Gemeinschaft. In J?hnert, Aleksander, Kriszio (eds.), Kollektivit?t nach der Subjektkritik. Geschlechtertheoretische Positionen, transcript publishers, 2013, pp.87-100


Further publications (not peer reviewed or for non-academic audience):

  • Forthcoming Dualism. In Handbook of the Anthropocene. In Nathana?l Wallenhorst and Christoph Wulf (eds.), Springer-Nature
  • Forthcoming Meeting report: Politics, science and technology in times of crisis. In Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice

  • The Boundaries of the Human and the Issue of Community and Difference in Moral and Political Thought. Philosophy Across Borders Conference, Faculty of Philosophy, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, June 8, 2022

  • New tools to save planetary life in the Anthropocene? The biodiversity crisis and genome editing in nature conservation.  Annual meeting of the German Political Science Association Working Group on Politics, Science, and Technology, March 3 and 4 2022

  • Keynote: The (im–)possibility of acknowledging difference??Approaches to encountering the other in modern western philosophy. AHRC Research Network Ethics and Aesthetics of Encountering the Other: New Frameworks for Engaging with Difference, Opera North, Leeds, UK, April 2021

  • Gene Drives for Nature Conservation? 4S and EASS Annual Meeting, August 2020

  • Tissue Culture and Biological Time – Alexis Carrel, Henri Bergson and the plasticity of living matter. Invited lecture at The Return of the Organism Research Group Lecture Series, Ruhr- University Bochum, June 2020

  • Cell culture and the (re-)articulation of biological time. Meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Oslo, July 2019

  • Politics of Solidarity and the Ethics of Migration. Invited talk at workshop “The Role of Literary and Cultural Studies in Multidisciplinary Refugee and Forced Migration Studies”, Department of English, University of Münster, April 2019

  • The ethics and politics of temporality. “Poststructuralism: Past, Present, Future” Conference, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Faculty of Philosophy, March 2019

  • Futurisation of Politics. With David L?w Beer, “Nature, Time, Responsibility” Conference, Philosophy Department, LMU Munich, March 2018

  • Beyond embodied temporality – life-time in the light of contemporary biotechnology. “Values in medicine, science, and technology” Conference, Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology, The University of Texas, Dallas, May 2017

  • Judgment as the avoidance of responsibility – thinking about difference, race, and poverty with Arendt and Cavell. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, September 2016

  • Winter 23/24 

  • (planned) Seminar: Critical Theory (in German)*
  • (planned) Seminar: Gender Politics (in German)*
  • Spring 2023   

  • Seminar: Animals, Nature, Environment, Matter – Theory beyond the Human (in German)*
  • Seminar: Theories of Justice (in German)*
  • Seminar: Introduction to Research in Political Science (in German)
  • Seminar: Foucault and (bio-)power (in German)*
  • Spring 2022

  • Seminar: Environmental Political Theory (in English)*
  • Seminar: Feminist Political Theory (in German) *
  • Tutorial: Introduction to Political Theory (in German) and
  • Lecture: Feminist Political Theory* (filling in for one session for Prof. Nonhoff in Lecture Introduction to Political Theory, in German)
  • Winter 22/23

  • Seminar: Introduction to Research in Political Science (in German)

  • Seminar: Foucault and (bio-)power (in German)

    Spring 2022   

  • Seminar: Environmental Political Theory (in English)
  • Seminar: Feminist Political Theory (in German)
  • Tutorial: Introduction to Political Theory (in German) and
  • Lecture: Feminist Political Theory (filling in for one session for Prof. Nonhoff in Lecture Introduction to Political Theory, in German)

“Natürliche (Gen-)Technik?” in taz, die Tageszeitung, August 18 2018 (German national newspaper)