Seongcheol Kim


Seongcheol Kim

UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 7 (Haus Wien)

Room: 7.2070

Tel.: +49 421 218-67493

seongcheol.kimprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Academic background

Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Political Science, University of Bremen; Faculty member (Privatdozent) in the Institute for Political Science, University of Bremen

since 6/2022
Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen and joint Principal Investigator of the DFG project POPRADEM

Affiliated researcher at the Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO) at the University of Bremen

2020 - 2022
Postdoctoral researcher in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Kassel

Visiting researcher at the Center for Civil Society Research at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Doctorate in Political Science (Dr. phil.), Humboldt University of Berlin

2016 - 2020
Research Fellow in the Research Unit "Democracy and Democratization" of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Doctoral student at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) of the Humboldt University of Berlin

M.A. Political Science, Free University Berlin

A.B. (Bachelor of Arts) German & Politics, Princeton University


English, German (primary languages); Korean (first language); Czech, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Ukrainian (professional working proficiency)

  • European politics and contemporary history
  • Political discourse and hegemony analysis
  • Political parties and social movements
  • Populism: theories, concepts, case analyses
  • Theories and study of radical democracy



Kim, Seongcheol, 2024: Populismus? Frag doch einfach! Stuttgart: UTB [im Erscheinen].

Kim, Seongcheol; Greef, Samuel; Schroeder, Wolfgang 2022: The Far Right in the Workplace: A Six-Country Comparison, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 250 pp.

Kim, Seongcheol; Greef, Samuel; Schroeder, Wolfgang, 2022: Rechte Akteure im Betrieb. Sechs EU-L?nder im Vergleich, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 241 pp.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: Discourse, Hegemony, and Populism in the Visegrád Four, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 334 pp.

Edited collections

Eder-Ramsauer, Andreas; Kim, Seongcheol; Knott, Andy (Eds.), 2022: Populism, Radicalism, Protest: Ten Years after the Movements of the Squares, Journal for the Study of Radicalism, 16 (2), 164 pp.

Eder-Ramsauer, Andreas; Kim, Seongcheol; Knott, Andy; Prentoulis, Marina (Hg.), 2022: Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organisation, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 202 S.

Kim, Seongcheol; Nonhoff, Martin (Eds.), 2022: Platzproteste zehn Jahre danach. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Mittelweg 36, 31 (4), 96 pp.

Kim, Seongcheol; Selk, Veith (Eds.), 2021: Wie weiter mit der Populismusforschung?, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 320 pp.

Kim, Seongcheol; Agridopoulos, Aristotelis (Eds.), 2020: Populismus, Diskurs, Staat, Book series "Understanding the State", Baden-Baden: Nomos, 278 pp.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Kim, Seongcheol; Mondon, Aurelien, 2024: From Objectivist Bias to Positivist Bias: A Constructivist Critique of the Attitudes Approach to Populism, in: Political Studies Review, DOI: 10.1177/14789299231225403.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: Towards an Antiwar Transnational Populism? An Analysis of the Construction of 'the Russian People' in Volodymyr Zelensky’s Wartime Speeches, in: Government and Opposition, DOI: 10.1017/gov.2023.40 (Online First).

Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: Movement Parties of the Left, Right, and Center: A Discursive-Organizational Approach, in: Constellations, DOI: 10.1111/1467-8675.12705 (Online First).

Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: On Populism and Class Politics: The Polish Union of Labour and the Workers’ Party of Belgium [Research Note], in: Representation, DOI: 10.1080/00344893.2023.2210141 (Online First).


Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: 'Illiberal Democracy' after Post-Democracy: Revisiting the Case of Hungary, in: The Political Quarterly, 94 (3), pp. 437 - 444.


Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: Between Autonomy and Representation: Toward a Post-Foundational Discourse Analytic Framework for the Study of Horizontality and Verticality, in: Critical Discourse Studies, 20 (4), pp. 345 - 360.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: Far-Right Local Governments and Civil Society: Findings from France and Italy [Early Results], in: Political Studies Review, 21 (1), pp. 183 - 189.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: Between Radical Democracy and Left Populism on the Margins: Protest Politics and Organization in the Left Front (Russia) and the Left Opposition (Ukraine), in: Journal for the Study of Radicalism, 16 (2), pp. 113 - 130.

Kim, Seongcheol; Borbáth, Endre, 2022: A Typology of Postcommunist Successor Parties in Central and Eastern Europe and an Explanatory Framework for Their (Non-)Success, in: East Central Europe, 49 (2/3), pp. 277 - 311.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: The Limits of Party Unionism: Far-Right Projects of Trade Union Building in Belgium, France, and Germany, in: Journal of Contemporary European Studies, doi:10.1080/14782804.2022.2118679 (Online First).

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: Von Lefort zu Mouffe. Populismus als Moment und Grenze radikaler Demokratie, in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 32 (4), pp. 767 - 786.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: Taking Stock of the Field of Populism Research: Are Ideational Approaches 'Moralistic' and Post-Foundational Discursive Approaches 'Normative'?, in: Politics, 42 (4), pp. 492 - 504.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2021: ... Because the Homeland Cannot Be in Opposition: Analysing the Discourses of Fidesz and Law and Justice (PiS) from Opposition to Power, in: East European Politics, 37 (2), pp. 332 - 351.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2020: Between Illiberalism and Hyper-Neoliberalism: Competing Populist Discourses in the Czech Republic, in: European Politics and Society, 21 (5), pp. 618 - 633.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2020: Radical Democracy and Left Populism after the Squares: 'Social Movement' (Ukraine), Podemos (Spain), and the Question of Organization, in: Contemporary Political Theory, 19 (2), pp. 211 - 232.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2017: The Populism of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): An Extended Essex School Perspective, in: Palgrave Communications, 3 (5), pp. 1 - 11.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2017: Between Milieu and Vacuum: Organizational, Programmatic, and Electoral Strategies of the Former Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KS?M) Reexamined, in: Politologick? ?asopis/Czech Journal of Political Science, 24 (3), pp. 302 - 329.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2017: "Autonomie" Revisited. The Autonomist Crossroads in the West German Student Movement's Long March, in: Contemporanea - Rivista di storia dell'800 e del'900, 20 (1), pp. 63 - 86.

Chapters in edited volumes

Kim, Seongcheol, 2024: Central and Eastern Europe, in: Katsambekis, Giorgos; Stavrakakis, Yannis (Eds.): Research Handbook on Populism, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar [forthcoming].

Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: From Berlin to Budapest and Back: "Illiberal Democracy" and the Mirror of Neoliberal Post-Democracy, in: Kolozova, Katerina; Milanese, Niccolò (Eds.): "Illiberal Democracies" in Europe: An Authoritarian Response to the Crisis of Liberalism, Washington, DC: Illiberalism Studies Program at George Washington University, pp. 59 - 68.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: Populism, Radical Democracy, and Political Organisation: Movement Parties and People’s Parties of a New Type, in: Eder-Ramsauer, Andreas; Kim, Seongcheol; Knott, Andy; Prentoulis, Marina (Eds.), Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organisation, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 38 - 54.

Kim, Seongcheol; Nonhoff, Martin, 2022: Bewegungsparteien und Volksparteien neuen Typs. Konturen einer Forschungsagenda, in: Kim, Seongcheol/Nonhoff, Martin (Eds.), Platzproteste zehn Jahre danach. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Mittelweg 36, 31 (4), pp. 5 - 16.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2021: Zwischen 'Moralismus' und 'Normativit?t' der Populismusforschung. Ein Vermittlungsversuch, in: Kim, Seongcheol/Selk, Veith (Eds.), Wie weiter mit der Populismusforschung?, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 73 - 92.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2021: Populism and Anti-Populism in the 2017 Dutch, French, and German Elections: A Re-Politicisation of Post-Politics?, in: Wiesner, Claudia (Ed.), Rethinking Politicisation in Politics, Sociology and International Relations, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107 - 128.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2020: Zwischen autorit?rem Institutionalismus und Populismus. Die illiberal-nationalistischen Staatsprojekte in Ungarn und Polen, in: Kim, Seongcheol/Agridopoulos, Aristotelis (Eds.), Populismus, Diskurs, Staat, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 211 - 234.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2020: 'Illiberal-demokratische' Legitimit?t. Eine konzeptuelle Ann?herung und empirische Veranschaulichung am Beispiel des Bundestagswahlkampfs 2017, in: Kneip, Sascha/Merkel, Wolfgang/We?els, Bernhard (Eds.), Legitimit?tsprobleme. Zur Lage der Demokratie in Deutschland, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 205 - 222.

Agridopoulos, Aristotelis; Kim, Seongcheol, 2019: Populismus, in: Comtesse, Dagmar/Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver/Martinsen, Franziska/Nonhoff, Martin (Eds.), Radikale Demokratietheorie. Ein Handbuch, Berlin: Suhrkamp, pp. 593 - 603.

Kulesza, Aleksandra; Kim, Seongcheol 2017: Direkte Demokratie in Polen, in: Merkel, Wolfgang/Ritzi, Claudia (Eds.), Die Legitimit?t direkter Demokratie. Wie demokratisch sind Volksabstimmungen?, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 101 - 120.

Book reviews, working papers, and other publications

Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: Selenskyjs Appelle an russische Staatsbürger:innen im ersten Jahr des russischen Aggressionskriegs gegen die Ukraine, in: Ukraine-Analysen, 292, pp. 11 - 14.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2023: Review Essay: (Left) Populism and Radical Democracy Today, in: Social Movement Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2023.2267997.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: Die Linke in Russland und der Krieg in der Ukraine, in: Russland-Analysen, 424, pp. 2 - 4.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: Das Ende eines Zyklus? Podemos und France Insoumise als Volksparteien neuen Typs, in: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 35 (3), pp. 441 - 451.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2022: The Russian Invasion in the Context of Post-Bolotnaya Authoritarian Consolidation, in: Russian Analytical Digest, 281, pp. 7 - 10.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2021: The Far Right Today by Cas Mudde, in: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 8 (3), pp. 362 - 366.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2020: Hungary, in: Katsambekis, Giorgos/Stavrakakis, Yannis (Eds.), Populism and the Pandemic, POPULISMUS Interventions No. 7, pp. 29 - 30.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2018: Marchart, Oliver (Hrsg.) (2017): Ordnungen des Politischen. Eins?tze und Wirkungen der Hegemonietheorie Ernesto Laclaus, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 59 (3), pp. 605 - 608.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2018: Populism and Anti-Populism in the 2017 Dutch, French, and German Elections: A Discourse and Hegemony Analytic Approach, POPULISMUS Working Papers No. 7.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2017: Der illiberale Faktor. Eine theoretische Ann?herung an Populismus in West- und Ostmitteleuropa, in: WZB-Mitteilungen, 156, pp. 32 - 34.

Kim, Seongcheol, 2016: Patrizia Nanz/Claus Leggewie: Die Konsultative. Mehr Demokratie durch Bürgerbeteiligung. Berlin: Klaus Wagenbach 2016, in: Italian Political Science, 11 (2).

Kim, Seongcheol, 2015: Lesen als Revolte? Rezension zu Philipp Felsch: Der lange Sommer der Theorie, in: Ethik und Gesellschaft - ?kumenische Zeitschrift für Sozialethik, 2, pp. 1 - 7.