
IPP-Writings and Working Tools of the Department Social Epidemiology


Toolbox on the operationalisation of gender diversity in research on health care, health promotion and prevention


Tools and information for gender-sensitive and intersectionality-informed analysis of study participation, data collection, data analysis as well as health reporting, more

Abbildung Titelblatt der IPP-Schrift Stresstest resilientes Quartier

A stress test for resilient neighbourhoods: The impact of epidemics on neighbourhoods and strategies to increase their resilience - the example of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in German cities.

IPP-Writings 2022, Volume 19:

with guidelines for municipal practice to promote robustness and adaptability during epidemics.


Promoting active mobility among the older population (AFOOT)

Guidelines ?Promoting active mobility among the older population.  A guideline for cooperation between municipal planning and building authorities and public health services in small and medium-sized towns in Germany“ and toolbox with practical handouts for a movement-promoting and age-appropriate municipal development.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities: Fact sheet series

Fact sheet series on environmental health inequalities in Europe, more