Global Health

Welcome to the Global Health Department!

Bild Startseite

Contact details:

Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. Melanie B?ckmann
Tel: +49 421 218-68680

Administrative Office:
Sandra Bojahr
Tel.: +49 421 218-68676

Grazer Stra?e 2
28359 Bremen

Why Global Health?

The topic of Global Health has become an integral part of the health science research and political landscape in Germany. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, global connections and mutual dependency can no longer be disputed. A variety of important topics such as climate change, migration, infectious diseases, but also global processes such as recruitment of health professionals, easy access to vaccines and medication, health risks of workplaces in countries, which produce goods for the German market, or political approaches to a “global health architecture”: all of these topics matter in Global Health. On the scientific side, unequal access to third-party funds and high-impact publication opportunities are additional disadvantages for researchers from the Global South.

The professorship "Global Health" will address these and other topics. Initially, we will focus particularly on the areas of global adaptation to climate change and global tobacco control and use. In the future, the department will also work on other topics.

Teaching focus

We offer courses as part of the Public Health - Health Sciences, B.A. and Public Health - Health Promotion & Prevention, M.A. program. The majority of courses are available in English. We also supervise theses and doctoral degrees in the subject area. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.

Here you will find a list of topics for possible BA or MA theses.


World No Tobacco Day
Global Health|

World No Tobacco Day Award 2024 given to Raouf Alebshehy, PhD student Dept. of Global Health

PhD student awarded prestigious tobacco control award

Foto von Nikita Durnev
Global Health|

A visit from Kazakhstan at IPP

Public Health research student from Kazakhstan visited the University in May 2024

[Translate to English:]
Global Health| Sozialepidemiologie|

WHO Meeting in Bonn on heat health action plans

New heat health action guidance being developed by WHO

Mitglieder der Delegation der Shanxi Datong University und des IPP
Global Health|

Delegation from Shanxi Datong University visits the IPP

At the meeting between the delegation from Datong University of Bremen and members of the IPP, the participants exchanged views on health and nursing study programs in Datong and Bremen.

Prof. Dr. Melanie B?ckmann
Global Health|

Appointment to the Editorial board of BMC Global and Public Health

Melanie B?ckmann appointed to the Editorial board of the journal Global and Public Health

[Translate to English:]
Global Health|

NEW TO THE IPP – Herfina Nababan and Lira Ramadani

The Department is growing!

Eine Person schreibt auf ein Flipchart.
Global Health|

Dept. of Global Health of the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research offers summer academy for Bremen School Students

Workshop "Global Health - The Importance of Health Worldwide" for Bremen School Students

Prof. Dr. Melanie B?ckmann
Global Health|

New to the IPP: Prof. Dr. Melanie B?ckmann

Prof. Dr. Melanie B?ckmann has been the appointed Professor of Global Health at the University of Bremen since February 1st, 2023 and spokesperson for the Department of Global Health at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing.

Mitglieder Global Health


Members of the Global Health Department



Projects of the Global Health Department



Publications of the Global Health Department