澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育 - Detailansicht

Delegation from Shanxi Datong University visits the IPP

At the meeting between the delegation from Datong University of Bremen and members of the IPP, the participants exchanged views on health and nursing study programs in Datong and Bremen.

After an introduction about the University of Bremen and Faculty 11 by Katrin Dorow, Prof. Dr. Melanie B?ckmann and Heike Mertesacker gave a brief overview of the IPP and the health and nursing science courses at Faculty 11 of the University of Bremen. Prof. Yao Lying, President of Shanxi Datong University, then introduced the university and the region around Datong. This was followed by a presentation by Prof. Li Chunyan, Director of the Department of Teacher Education. She introduced the health department of Shanyx University with its four faculties:  Faculty of Medicine (Degree Programs: Clinical Medicine, Medical Testing Technology), Faculty of Chinese Medicine and Public Health (Degree Program: Chinese Medicine), Faculty of Nursing Science (Degree Programs: Nursing Science, Midwifery Science) Faculty of Education Science and Technology (Degree Program: Psychology). Prof. Li gave an exciting insight into the work of the degree programs, which work closely with hospitals and medical facilities in the region.
This was followed by a lively exchange among the participants, who were joined from Shanxi University by Mr. Sun, Peng, Director of International Affairs, Exchange Centre, Prof. Bai, Xin, Director of the Department of Graduate Studies, Prof. Shi, Jianhua, Dean of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Prof. Bai, Yunfeng, Dean of the School of Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The group was accompanied by Mr. Simon Lee, educational consultant from China, who works together with the University of Bremen as part of the HEREAHEAD program. On the IPP side, Maite Schlacke and Larissa Fenker, research assistants at IPP, also took part in the meeting.
Among other things, the participants talked about the study opportunities in Datong and Bremen and the possibilities of an international stay in the other country for students and guest researchers from Datong and Bremen. Problems such as the shortage of skilled workers in healthcare and nursing and demographic change, which are just as prevalent in China as in Germany, were also addressed. All participants were delighted with the exciting exchange, which is to be continued.


Heike Mertesacker MPH

Scientific Coordination IPP-Office


Mitglieder der Delegation der Shanxi Datong University und des IPP