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NEW TO THE IPP – Herfina Nababan and Lira Ramadani

The Department is growing!

Die Department of Global Health at the IPP continues to grow. Dr. Herfina Nababan joined the team on 01.10.23 and Lira Ramadani followed on 01.12.23. Dr. Nababan is currently doing research on digital health for older people in Indonesia and tobacco use among migrants in Germany. She teaches on Migration & Health and Health Security. Lira Ramadani is writing her doctoral thesis on climate change, sustainable education and health in Kosovo, and teaches Nature disasters & Global Health, among other topics. Welcome to the IPP! 


Prof. Dr. Melanie B?ckmann
Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research
Department: Global Health
E-Mail: melanie.boeckmann@uni-bremen.de
Phone: +49 421 218-68680


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