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20th issue of IPP-Info newly published - Launch of our new online reader survey

In focus: Gender and intersectionality in health science research

Gender has a major influence on which behaviors, characteristics and attitudes are assigned to a person by others. At the same time, gender influences a person's living conditions and health opportunities and is therefore a central subject of health science research. In addition, the concept of intersectionality is increasingly finding its way into research on health inequalities. Intersectionality refers to the entanglement of different social categories and the associated consequences for equal opportunities and inequality.
At the IPP, the topic of gender and intersectionality has long been a focus of research and teaching: to mark the tenth anniversary of the Department of Social Epidemiology at the IPP, we have dedicated this year's issue of IPP-Info to the main topic of "Gender and intersectionality in health science research".
In the main articles of IPP-Info 20, the topic is examined from a variety of perspectives. As usual, further information on IPP research, teaching and transfer can be found in the following sections.  
Online edition of IPP Info 20 with references (only available in German language)

How do you like our new IPP Info 20? We would like to invite you to take part in our new online survey (Only available in German language):
Leser:innenbefragung IPP-Info 20

IPP-Info 20, focus topic: Gender and intersectionality in health science research
Issue 20, 17th year. Editors: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte, Prof. Dr. Birte Berger-H?ger, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schüz (Directorate of the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen).
Editors: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte, Sophie Horstmann M.Sc., Heike Mertesacker MPH.
Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP), University of Bremen: Fall 2023
ISSN: 1864-4074 (print edition)
ISSN: 1864-452X (Internet edition)

Contact & Information:
Heike Mertesacker MPH, University of Bremen, Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research IPP, Scientific Management IPP Office
Order address for print edition:
Neli Perchemlieva (Secretariat/ Administration), Office Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP), Faculty 11, University of Bremen.




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