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New research network "SalusTransform" on health-promoting urban development started

Concept development phase for the evaluation of urban development measures in Bremen, Bochum and Wuppertal

The 6-month project "SalusTransform" in the Department of Social Epidemiology (Head: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte) and the Working Group Epidemiology of Demographic Change (Head: PD Dr. Karin Bammann) of the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) has been started June 1st, 2023. In cooperation with the Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum - University of Applied Sciences, the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, and the Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit Niedersachsen Bremen a concept is being developed to evaluate measures for equitable health-promoting urban development and major transformation with regard to the promotion of health, the reduction of social inequalities and the protection of climate and environment.

The evaluation concept will be used to evaluate various measures within the framework of integrated urban development concepts with regard to their effectiveness in each of the three case study cities (Bremen, Bochum, Wuppertal) in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods. The interventions aim at different areas, such as structural changes to promote mobility and the expansion of green spaces or low-threshold offers to promote a sense of community and physical activity.In the concept development phase that has now begun, the focus is on developing and applying indicators for evaluating processes and effectiveness. Furthermore, the integration of data available in the cities and new data collected as part of the project for evaluating effectiveness will be tested.

There will be a close exchange and active involvement of stakeholders in the respective areas under investigation. The perspectives of municipal administration and practitioners as well as residents will be included in a participatory manner. Several workshops will be held in each of the participating cities. The realization phase of the project SalusTransform, i.e. the implementation of the evaluation of the effectiveness of urban development measures, is targeted for 2024.

Justus T?nnies, M.Sc. Epidemiology
University of Bremen
Faculty 11 Human and Health Sciences
Institute of Public Health und Nursing Research
Department of Social Epidemiology
Mail: j.toenniesprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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